
Cards (70)

  • Atoll
    Low island made of coral round a sea-water lake
  • Aperitif
    A drink taken before a meal
  • Azalea
    A small tree with many flowers growing in groups
  • Bloc
    A group of people or countries that are connected by a common goal or that share a common purpose
  • Cabaret
    Song and dance performance
  • Candid
    To be frank; open and sincere
  • Canonical
    Regular and widely accepted
  • Cavalier
    Showing a lack of proper concern; without care
  • Compost
    A decayed mixture of plants (such as leaves and grass) that is used to improve the soil in a garden
  • Cordillera
    A line of mountains
  • Coven
    A secret society
  • Cranny
    Narrow space or opening
  • Devious
    Showing a skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals; tricky
  • Didactic
    Tries hard to teach something
  • Egalitarian
    Treats everyone who works for it as if they are equal
  • Emir
    Middle Eastern chief with power in his land
  • Erratic
    Characterized by lack of consistency, regularity, or uniformity
  • Erythrocyte
    The red part of the blood
  • Fens
    Low land partly covered by water
  • Gauche
    Having or showing a lack of awareness about the proper way to behave socially; awkward
  • Hessian
    A coarse cloth
  • Input
    Information, power, etc. put into something
  • Jovial
    Characterized as being full of fun
  • Kindergarten
    A place of learning for children too young for school
  • Limpid
    Clear, transparent, or pellucid, as water, crystal, or air
  • Lintel
    Beam over the top of a door or window
  • Marrow
    Soft centre of a bone
  • Marsupial
    An animal with a pocket for babies
  • Miniature
    A very small thing of its kind
  • Null
    As to having no effect
  • Palette
    Artist's board for mixing paints
  • Pallor
    The paleness of his/her skin
  • Perturbed
    Worried; Troubled in mind
  • Puritan
    A person with strict morals
  • Regent
    A ruler acting in place of the king
  • Rouble
    The basic monetary unit of Russia
  • Ruck
    A group of players gathered round the ball in some ball games
  • Soliloquy
    A speech in the theatre by a character who is alone
  • Spleen
    An organ found near the stomach that functions to control the level of blood cells
  • Stealth
    Moving secretly with extreme care and quietness