Cards (32)

  • Expanded definition
    A one or more paragraphs that attempt to explain a complex term
  • ETYMOLOGY: the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history
  • HISTORY/BACKGROUND- discusses the history of the word use, and controversies associated with it
  • DESCRIPTION- explain the shape size/ describes the word use
  • PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION- discussing how topic in question functions, including any special mareials or conditioned required
  • CAUSE AND EFFECT- explain the cause and effect of the term
  • CLASSIFICATION- show how topics fits into larger category
  • COMPARISON/CONTRAST- show the topic is similar or different from other in the class
  • ANOLOGY- explain by comparing two dissimilar topics, where the second word is more familiar to the audience
  • EXAMPLES/ANECDOTES- illustrates the term
  • ILLUSTRATIONS- a picture/image that is used to clarifying a text
  • do's/ don't in writing formal research paper
    • do not use contractions
    • do not use abbreviations
    • use third person's point of view
    • use passive voice as needed
  • RESEARCH- careful and detailed study into a specific problem, concern or issue using the specific method
  • a summary of a research articles
  • research design - refers to the game plan or method for finding out what you want to know
  • mathematical tool based on the normal curse used to analyze data - statistical tool
  • refers to the accuracy where the extent of which a test or study measures what it is supposed to measure - validity
  • the target and the limit of the research study - scope and limitation
  • careful investigation or study of a subject - research
  • anything that calls for solution- problem
  • needs to be proven through a thorough study- hypothesis
  • judgment or decision made by the researcher based on finding of the study - conclusion
  • operational definition- specific meaning of a phrase given by the group of people who use the word in their context
  • technical definition- found in dictionary
  • 1.What is the text about?
    2.What is the writer's purpose/ intention in writing the text?
  • Informative essay

    Educates your reader on a topic. They can have one of several functions: to define a term, compare and contrast something, or provide a how-to.
    • Inform readers about some problem they are not aware
    • Explain its importance
    • Present the latest research on a topic
    • Compare viewpoints on a controversial subjects
    • Analyze a cause-effect relationship

    • Recipes
    • Autobiographies
    • Newspapers
  • Persuasive essay
    A form of written communication intended to convince or influence readers to accept a particular idea or opinion and to inspire action.
  • In writing persuasive texts, a writer must consider the following:
    • Be clear about your view
    • Consider your readers
    • Use different kinds of appeals and devices
    • Provide convincing evidence
    • Write a strong concluding paragraph that will convince your readers or make them change their view about the topic

    • Campaign Speeches
    • Inspirational text or speeches
    • Advertisement
  • Argumentative essay

    The content of an argumentative essay always focuses on a claim that is stated in a thesis statement.