Comes from the Latin word "Scientia" meaning knowledge
Tries to discover facts and relationships and then tries to create theories that make sense of these facts and relationships
A system of knowledge that is concerned with the physical world and its phenomena and that entailed unbiased observation and systematic experimentation
A pursuit of knowledge covering the general truths or the operation of general laws
Follows specific "rules" and its results are always subject to testing and, if necessary, revision
Scientific method
1. Makeanobservation
2. Identifyaproblem
3. Researchyourproblem
4. Developyourhypotheses
5. Designanexperiment
6. Collectandanalyzeresults
7. Constructaconclusion
How can Science be defined
Itisanidea - comprises ideas, beliefs, theories and all systematic reasons and observations on the natural and physical world
Itisapersonal and socialactivity - includes activities of human beings to acquire better understanding of the world
Itisacourse/fieldofstudy - a subject in basic education, a discipline or a field of study in higher education
It is an Intellectual activity - incorporates a methodical and applied study of the natural and physical world that involves observation and experimentation
Comes from the Latin word "Techne" meaning "art or craft" and "subject or interest"
Practical application of what we know about nature
Explores for the purpose of knowing
Explores for the purpose of making something useful from that knowledge
Sum total of our interactions as humans including the interactions that we engage in to figure things out and to make things
Group of individuals involved in a persistent social interaction or a large social group sharing the same geographical or social territory
Theriseofancientcivilizations paved the way for advances in science and technology. These advances during the ancient period allowed civilization to flourish by finding better ways of COMMUNICATION, TRANSPORTATION, SELF-ORGANIZATION and of LIVING IN GENERAL
First recorded civilization of the world existed around 3300 - 750BC. Now corresponds to most parts of present-day Iraq, Iran,Syria, Kuwait, and Turkey
Sumerian Civilization
Sumer, now modern-dayIraq, the earliest known civilization in Mesopotamia
Known for building walledcity states and their many inventions are still widely used today
Sumerian Inventions
Ancient city of Babylon served as the center of Mesopotamian civilization for nearly two millennia
Derived from "bav-il" or "bav-ilim" meaning "Gates of Gods"
Its ruins lie in modern-dayIraq
Biblical references reveal much about Babylon from the Time of Hammurabi in 2000BC to its downfall around 500BC
Babylonian Inventions
Hammurabi's code
Firstknownwrittenlegal code in history
Created by Babylonian king in c. 1780BCE
Punishments for crimes are relative to the severity "Eyeforaneye, tooth for atooth"
Consist of 281laws
Tower of Babel - Human attempts to reach God through human efforts
RobertKoldewey - Looking for Tower of Babel but found the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Aside from using plants as sources of food, Africans used them for medicinal purposes such as ANESTHETICS, ANALGESIC, ANTIDOTES, ANTHELMINTICS, and ANTIMICROBIALS
Ancient Egypt
One of Africa's most famous civilizations, which was born along the Nile River, which provided rich soil for agriculture
Known as "Kemet" meaning "black-land"
Ancient Egyptian Inventions
The Great Sphinx of Giza
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Paper or Papyrus - Think sheets of plant
Hieroglyphics - A system of writing using symbols
GreekPhilosophy is undeniably the most renowned contribution of the Greeks to Western civilization
Philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates questioned human existence and how the world came to be
Leucippus and Democritus are the first proponents of the Atomic Theory in science, while Pythagoras was the firsts to realize the a complete system of mathematics could be constructed and later called Pythagorean Theorem
Popular for his precise prediction of the solar eclipse on May28, 585BC
Calculation of the height of the Pyramids
Description of the Ursa Minor
Founding of the Milesian school
"Father of WesternMedicine"
HippocraticOath was formulated after his death, an oath of ethics taken by medical practitioners
Ancient Greek Inventions
Alarm Clock
Perceived to be the strongestpolitical (hugepopulation) and social (religion) entity in the west
Cradle of politics and governance during the period
Ancient Roman Inventions
BoundBooks or Codex
Roman Architecture
Roman Numerals
Ancient China
One of the oldest and longestlastingcivilizations of the world
Greeks and Romans called them Seres meaning "The land of the Silk"
Ancient Chinese Inventions
Silk Industry
Tea production
World Famous Great Wall of China
Gun Powder
"The Dark Age" - A lot of wars and deaths
Johann Gutenberg's "First Printing Press"
News could spread much faster for everyone
Revolutionized the spread of Knowledge
Zacharias Janssen
Invented the first compound Microscope (circa1595) made because of sickness occurring in wars
Microscope purpose is to know what causes an illness or an infection
Used to make medicine
Galileo Galilei
Famous for how he uses the telescope to see and know beyond the earth
MAJOR BREAKTHROUGHS IN SCIENCE DURING MIDDLE AGE - Advancements in Astronomy and Physics, such as the HeliocentricModel and LawsofMotion
Modern Age Inventions
Pasteurization - Invented by Louis Pasteur, a process of heating cows milk and cooling it to extend shelf-life and being spoilt quickly
Petroleum Refinery - Invented by Samuel M. Kier, illuminating oil used for light
Telephone - Invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1976, older version are used for military purposes and has a one way connection or one number
Philippine Inventions
SalamanderamphibiousTricycle - Invented and Designed by Victor "Atoy" Llave and developed by DominicN.Chu and Lamberto Armada
Salt Lamp by Aisa Mijeno
Dra.FeDelMundo (1911 - 2011) - "AngelofSantoTomas". She was the inventor of the Bamboo Incubator. The first woman to be admitted to Harvard Medical School in 1936. She began working with the International Red Cross during World War II. She is the First Lady President of Medical Manila Society, and awarded the Most Outstanding Medical Practitioner in the 21st Century
Jeepney - Inspired by American vehicles during World War II
"The History of Science and Technology Shows us that Progress is not Always Linear, but Rather a Result of Perseverance and Curiosity"
Geocentric Model
Proposed by Claudius Ptolemy
All the planes, and the Moon and the Sun revolves around the earth
Heliocentric Model
Solar system meaning sun is the center and where all the planets revolve around