DEMOCRITUS- Democritus considered the question, “What happens if you keep dividing a body into smaller and smaller parts?
He hypothesized that there was a limit to this process; that is you reached a point in which the parts were very small and could not be cut into parts, i.e. “atomos” (indivisible)
THOMSON’S PLUM PUDDING ATOMIC MODEL- Plum pudding is an English dessert similar toablueberry muffin. I
In Thomson's plum pudding model of the atom, the electrons were embedded in a uniform sphere of positive charge, like blueberries stuck into a muffin.
During his experiment, he discovered electrons using a cathode ray tube and it is one of themost important discoveries in the history of physics.
He was even awarded a Nobel Prize in physics for this discovery.
RUTHERFORD’S GOLD FOIL EXPERIMENT- Through this experiment, it was concluded that anatom is mostly emptyspace with a dense, positively charged nucleus
An atom consists of a central nucleus that is surrounded by one or more negatively charged electrons. T
The nucleus is positively charged and contains one or more relatively heavyparticles known as protons and neutrons.
Each period corresponds to the number of orbitals of each element
Orbitals are rings that surround an element.
The Roman numeral group number pertains to the number of valence electrons
Valence electrons are electrons found in the outer shell/ last orbital of anelement.
The last group of elements are noble gases.
The 0 on the top portion means these elements cannot share/donate electrons, they also don’t need any electrons because they are stable
The valence which is a maximum electrons of noble gas elements are 8 which is the maximum number.
This is called “octet rule”. Octet means 8 (the number of valence electrons neededtoattain stability.
Another way to present the valence electrons is through the Lewis dot diagram.
The dots represent the number of valence electrons of an element.
Atomic number= no. of protons and electrons
Neutrons= atomic mass – atomic number (always round off the atomic mass into a whole number)
Ionic- transfer of electrons
Covalent- sharing of electrons
Electronegativity is the key factor in determining the polar or nonpolar covalent.
Electronegativity - is the property of an element to attract electrons to itself
The most electronegative element is Fluorine.
Electronegativity = first element EN - second element EN