Edward and Mildred Hall Model: Time Language, Space Language, Language of Objects, Language of Friendship, Agreement, Cultures of High and Low Context
Florence Kluckhohn and Fred Strodtbeck Model: Basic nature and beliefs about the other person, Rights and responsibilities towards nature, Duty of a person towards others, Form of activity in a society, Consideration of space in a business organization, Importance of past, present or future
Geert Hofstede: Power Distance Index, Individualism vs Collectivism, Masculinity vs Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance Index, Long-term Normative Orientation vs Short-term Normative Orientation, Indulgence vs Restraint
Trompenaars and Hampden Model: Universalism vs Particularism, Individualism vs Collectivism, Neutral vs Emotional, Specific vs Diffuse, Achievement vs Ascription, Sequential vs Synchronous, Inner-directed vs Outer-directed
GLOBE (Global Leader and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) Project: Performance Orientation, Uncertainty Avoidance, Humane Orientation, Institutional Collectivism, In-group Collectivism, Gender Egalitarianism, Future Orientation, Power Distance, Assertiveness