Abraham Lincoln: 'Democracy is "Government by the people ofthepeople, and for the people."'
"By the People"
Those who choose the officialswhomakeupthegovernment
"Of the People"
The composition of the government which is made up of the people
Purpose of GovernmentIntervention
Taxes and subsidies
Maximum and Minimum Prices
Regulating the market
State ownership/ State Funding and Provision
6 Fundamental Elements of Modern Democracy
Rule of law
Separation of Powers
Basic Rights and Freedom
Freedom of Speech
Rule of law
Ensures that the rights and freedom of citizens are protected. Equal in theeyes of the law, and no one is above the law
Separation of Powers
Powers are distributed among Executive, Legislative, and the Judiciary. Executive Implements the laws, Ensures the laws, and Carries out the laws. Legislative Makes laws Judiciary Settle legal disputes. (Supreme Court)
Basic Rights and Freedom
Human rights
Civil Rights
Political Rights
Other rights from rule of law (Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship, and FreedomofAssociation)
Every Citizen within the recognized legalage, has the right to participate in elections by casting a vote regardless of sex, religion
Freedom of Speech
Ensures that the citizens are able to voice out their agreements, disagreements, affirmations, criticism and proposal to their government
A crimebroadlycharacterized by maliciouslypublishing an article or write up that may be detrimental to a person's character or may cause dishonor
Oral Defamation
Someone telling lies about you
Direct Democracy/Pure Democracy
Citizens come together to decide on issues or pass laws through a vote. Considered as ideal democracy, every singlepersonisable to participate in thevoting process and it ensures that the will of the people is really followed. Being practiced in the Cantons of Switzerland Philippines, practiced in provisions of the constitution (initiative and)
Indirect Democracy democracy/Representative
People elect leaders to act as their representative in the government. Citizens vote the members of the executive and legislatives.
Four DIMENSIONS of Democracy
The People
Common Good
The People
A collectivegroupofindividuals with varying political and religious beliefs who freely decided to live together in a particular geographical area and mutually consented to form a democratic nation. Citizens of the nation wherein these citizens are regarded as equals.
We are equal in the eyesofthelaw (morallyequal), not necessarily because we are naturally equal in every respect, but because we have to be placed in a status of equality so that we may be governed fairly and receive the equal protection of the law (legal equality)
Common Good
What is goodforthepeople.Everyaction should be done is for the well-being ofthepeople and notfortheirpersonalwell-being nor for the benefit of a particular majority.
The use of representatives the ones whoareauthorized to takeappropriate and necessaryactions within the gov't that would be beneficial for the common good of the people.
There is an increase disenchantment of the state of society in our globalized world. In a study about democratic participation in different countries in the globe, 44 out of 47 countries that took part in the study asserted that the conditions of a good society were not met (BarryKnight: 2002)
People are entitled to diversebeliefs and opinions, which may result in the becoming part of different organizations with varying thrust and advocacies.
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
A technology is required for informationdistribution that uses softwareprograms, electronics, and communication devices to transform, store, protect, process, and sendinformation.
Factsdiscovered by reading, research, study, or analysis. It enables us to accomplish everyday goals and make decisions.
Information transmission devices
Messagetransmissionisakeycomponentofcommunication. It is a communication approach that involves employing signs, symbols, or vocal exchanges to get information between people.
Includestools, processes, anddevices that were created through research and experimentation.
The introduction of anewconcept, procedure, or tool, such as a desktop computer or laptop.
Aiding Communication
Fax machines
Spreading Communication
World Wide Web (www)
Thefirstprintingbegan with the creation of the printing machine