Aerial or pulmonary respiration
Includes external nares, nine air sacs, buccal cavity, pharynx, glottis, trachea, bronchi, syrinx
No gill slits and gill pouches
Air enters and leaves through external nares
Mouth not used for respiration
External nares dorsal at base of upper beak
No epiglottis
Larynx and trachea separate, no vocal cords or thyroid cartilage
No gills, only lungs in adult
Embryo develops temporary pharyngeal gill pouches and gill slits
2 small, ovoid, compact, inelastic lungs without lobes
Birds inhale and exhale twice per respiration, mammals once
Lungs have looped airways instead of alveoli
System of large, thin-walled, elastic, nonvascular air sacs around and connected to lungs
No cutaneous respiration
Inspiration and expiration by sternum, intercostal, abdominal muscles
Unidirectional airflow requires two full respiratory cycles
No diaphragm, air sacs increase respiratory efficiency