
Cards (27)

  • voluntariness is the ability of a person to act out of his or her own free will and self-determination
  • Responsibility refers to the person being accountable for his or her actions and their consequences
  • human act is referred to as human activity of man by which he obtains an end he wants to obtain
  • Knowledge is performed consiously
  • free will is performed freely
  • voluntary is done willfully
  • Actions without knowledge, free will and voluntary are not considered as human act
  • acts of man are instinctive or involuntary
  • acts of man are done under the circumstances of ignorance, fear, passion, violence, habits and physical and biological movements
  • ignorance is lack of knowledge in certain thing
  • fear is mental disorder brought on be the apprehension of some present or imminent danger
  • passion is considered as mental response , either tendencies towards desirable objects or tendencies away from undesirable objects
  • violence is a force exerted on a person by another person in order to compel him to perform a certain action against his will
  • habits is a constant that tends to influence one to perform repeatedly similar actions
  • freedom is an intrinsic and essential property of the person
  • human person is by nature free and seeks freedom
  • f an important indications of human freedom is the ability to make choices and perform actions.
  • freedom sets us apart from animal and from other beings.
  • Animal acts instinctively, their actions are more likely predetermined responses to certain stimuli
  • A person can choose the course of action to take when given a stimulus or faced with a certain situation
  • freedom is the power or right to act, speak or think as you want without hindrance or restrain
  • freedom is rooted in the human person's self-determination and the exercise of intellect and free will
  • physical freedom is the absence of any physical restraint
  • psychological freedom means that a person is free to perform actions that he or she considerers right and wise
  • moral freedom refers to using freedom in a manner that upholds human dignity and goodness
  • freedom of choice is the ability to exercise one's freedom in any manner
  • prudence is an act of making a good judgement that allows a person to avoid risks