Nominal Catholics, a kind wrong notion of filipinos that they think that they can fulfill the two great love commandments "only" by prayers, devotions, and religious observance
Cleopas, the one who travelled away from Jerusalem after the death of Jesus and proclaimed about Jesus of Nazareth and said he was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people but did not noticed the resurrected Jesus in his journey
The story of the journey to Emmaus is the one the accounts of the appearances of the -Resurrected Jesus
Cleopas and his companion notice that it was the resurrected Jesus whom they are talking to when Jesus took bread, give thanks, broke it and began to give it to them
The 3 dimensions of our faith that you can feel the presence of Jesus are Doctrine, Morals, and Worship
Scripture Reading (1st reading, 2nd reading, Gospel) Homily, Creed, Prayers of the Faithful -Part of the Mass in Liturgy of the word
Entrance, Entrance Hymn, Greeting, Penitential Rite, Gloria (m) (M), Opening Prayer or Collect -Part of the Mass in Introductory Rites
Four Solemn actions -Took, Blessed, Broke, gave
As a Catholic, what is an inspiration of authentic love?
God's love
What are the two greatest commandments?
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind - You shall love your neighbor as yourself