You need about 2/3 kidney function to live - any less than this renal replacement therapy or dialysis will be required.
Kidney function
regulation of fluid volume
regulation of osmolarity
regulation of ion concentrations
regulation of pH
excretion of waste and toxins
production of hormones
The trigone is a smooth triangular region within the internal urinary bladder, formed by the two ureteric orifices and the internal urethral meatus (opening of urethra).
Polycystic kidneys - developing nephrons fail to connect to collecting tubule in development/collecting ducts fail to develop.
The kidneys are retroperitoneal
The kidneys lie at approximately T12-L3 on either side of the vertebral column.
The hila of the kidney is about 5cm from the midline.
The right kidney is slightly lower than the left because of the liver.
The transpyloric plane at L1 is roughly the level of the hilum of the left kidney.
Retroperitoneal organs (SAD PUCKER)
suprarenal glands
Anterior relations of left kidney
left colon
small gut
Anterior relations of right kidney
right colon
Posterior relations of left kidney
11th and 12th ribs
psoas major
quadratus lumborum
subcostal, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves
Posterior relations of right kidney
12th rib
psoas major
quadratus lumborum
subcostal, iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves
Psoas sign - pain on extension of hip
Four layers covering kidney
renal capsule (fibrous, tough)
layer of fat (perirenal)
Gerota's fascia (encloses kidneys and suprarenal glands)
2nd layer of fat (pararenal)
Kidney fascia opens anteriorly so that pus or extravasated urine can track down alongside the ureter.
Blood supply of kidneys - renal arteries (L1/L2)
The right renal artery is longer than the left.
The left renal vein is longer than the right.
Front to back kidney hilum structures
Five vascular segments of kidney
upper anterior
middle anterior
Segmental > interlobular > cortical
The renal artery splits into 5 segmental branches when it enters the kidney and the segments have no collateral circulation between them.
The ureters arise from the renal pelvis and descend retroperitoneally to the bladder.
The ureters run approximately 5cm lateral to spinous processes of lumbar vertebrae
3 areas of constriction in ureter - stones get stuck here
pelviureteric junction (where the renal pelvis meets the bladder)
pelvic brim
uretero-vesical junction (where ureter enters the bladder)
A) Adventitia
B) Muscularis
C) Urethral mucosa
The bladder is a hollow organ which changes shape according to fullness.
Ureters enter the bladder and run in submucosa for approximately 2cm which helps reduce likelihood of reflux.
In infants and young children:
lies in the abdomen even when empty
enters the greater pelvis by the age of 6
enters the lesser pelvis after puberty
retroperitoneal behind pubis
neck rests on prostate or vagina
Peritoneum peels off upper part of posterior bladder surface (rectovesical pouch) and lower part contacts anterior abdominal wall.
2 types of peritoneum - parietal and visceral. Parietal lines abdominal cavity. Visceral covers organs. Behind the visceral peritoneum = retroperitoneal.
Subperitoneal = inferior to peritoneal cavity e.g. last part of rectum, bladder (when empty)
Preperitoneal = anterior to peritoneal cavity e.g. bladder extending into preperitoneal space when filled.
What layers of the body will be incised to access a kidney for a nephrectomy? Where will the incision be located?
Oblique incision midway between 12th rib and iliac crest.
Horseshoe kidneys - inferior poles of left and right kidneys fuse and get caught on the inferior mesenteric artery.
Double ureter due to duplicated metanephric bud
Abnormal renal artery known as aberrant, compresses ureter - hydronephrosis
Failure of one kidney to develop altogether = renal agenesis