Lowers blood pressure by withdrawing water from extracellular compartments into intracellular compartments
Fluid and electrolyte imbalance caused by water deficiency
Decreased concentration of sodium in blood, leading to severe headaches, confusion, seizures as water leaves intracellular and extracellular compartments and migrates into cells
Water intoxication
Excessive consumption of plain water or impaired kidney filtration, leading to hyponatremia, confusion, seizures, and coma
Sum total of all chemical reactions in living cells
Anabolic reactions
Small molecules are put together to build larger ones, requiring energy
Catabolic reactions
Large molecules are broken down into smaller ones, releasing energy
Energy currency of the cell, produced in mitochondria through breakdown of biological fuels
Contains around 40% of chemical energy stored in C-H bonds of glucose; the rest is lost as heat
Sources of energy input
Carbohydrates (45-65%)
Fats (20-35%)
Proteins (10-35%)
Energy balance
Stable weight when energy in = energy out (30-50% physical activities, 50-65% basal metabolism, 10% thermic effect of food)
Basalmetabolicrate (BMR)
Rate of energy used for metabolism under specified conditions (after a 12-hour fast, restful sleep, no physical activity or emotional excitement and in a comfortable setting)
Liver: 27%
Brain: 19%
Skeletalmuscle: 18%
Kidney: 10%
Heart: 7%
Other: 19%
Factors affecting basal metabolic rate (BMR)
Body composition (the more muscle tissue you have relative to fat, the higher your BMR)
Sex (men and growing children have higher BMR)
Body surface area (larger surface area = higher BMR)
Environment (climate affects development of sweat glands)
Fetal environment and low birth weight can increase risk of obesity in adults due to "thrifty gene" theory
Quality of diet can play a role in gene expression (epigenetics)
Daily intake of water
Total: around 2,500 mL/day
Daily losses of water
Total: around 2,500 mL/day
ADH hormone
Produced by pituitary gland in response to dehydration; stimulates kidneys to reabsorb more water and prevent water loss in urine
Hormone secreted by adrenal glands that regulates blood pressure by increasing reabsorption of sodium by kidneys; also regulates Cl and K concentrations
DASH diet
Dietary approaches to stop hypertension
Thermic effect of food (TEF)
Estimation of energy required to process food (digest, absorb, transport, metabolize, and store nutrients)
Thrifty gene theory
Fetuses deprived of calories lower their BMRs because they predict an environment of food scarcity