The discipline concerned with all aspects of software production
Software was first coined by John Tukey in 1958
The theoretical concept of a computer was first established by Alan Turing in the 1930's
The concept of algorithm was introduced by Muhammad Al-Khawarezmi, a 9th century mathematician
AdaLovelace was the first computer programmer
Alan Kay
Pioneered work on window based graphicaluserinterfaces
Coined the term object-oriented programming in 1966
Ali Mili
Contributed to the formalization of software fault tolerance
Contributed to the area of software engineering economics and software metrics
Introduced the spiral model for software development
Bill Joy
Contributed to the development of the Unix operating system and the Java programming language
Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie
Instrumental in developing the Unix operating system and the C programming language
Introduced the concepts of assertions and program proof of correctness
Designed and analyzed well-known algorithms
Developed communicating sequential processes, a formal language for the specification of concurrent processes
Introduced the concepts of information hiding, software interfaces and software modularity
Contributed to software engineering education and the ethical responsibilities of a software engineer
Donald Knuth
Known for the design of many well-known computer algorithms and the use of rigorous mathematical techniques for the formal analysis of the complexity of algorithms
Edsger Dijkstra
Introduced the concept of structured programming
Carried out in-depth studies of the problems of concurrency and synchronization needed in complex distributed systems
ErichGamma, RichardHelm, RalphJohnson and JohnVlissides
Introduced the concept of object oriented design patterns to facilitate softwaredesignreuse
Fred Brooks
Contributed to the development of the OS/360 operating system software
Introduced the mythical man-month in software project management
Friedrich Bauer
Introduced the use of stacks for expression evaluation in programming language compilers
Contributed to the development of the ALGOL
Coined the term software engineering in the NATO conference held in Germany in 1968
Grace Hopper
Contributed extensively to the firstcompiler and the COBOL programming language in the 1959's
Grady Booch
Known for his method for object oriented analysis and design
Co-developed the unifiedmodelinglanguage (UML)
John Backus
Invented FORTRAN, compiler optimization, and the Backus-Naur Form for the formal description of programming language syntax
Michael Fagan
Contributed extensively to the area of software inspection
Niklaus Wirth
Introduced the Pascal programming language and other languages
Contributed to the idea of decomposition and stepwise refinement
Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard
Introduced the Simula language which was the first object-oriented programming language
Peter Naur
Contributed to the creation of the ALGOL programming language and the introduction of formal syntax description language
TomDeMarco and EdwardYourdon
Introduced the structured analysis and design approach for specifying and designing software systems
Watts Humphrey
Known for his work on the capability maturitymodel developed by the software engineering institute and the personal software process
Winston Royce
Contributed the well-known model for the management of large software systems which was later named the Waterfall model