Prolonged feud between C+M dominates the play- foreshadows the family feud is the obstacle for R+J.
“Weapon” literally meaning to inflict conflict and causing physical damage and suffering, hinting motif of violence.
”weapon” alludes to Penis showing male dominance in patriarchal society showing how man casually make sexual jokes.
Sampson and Gregory are constructed as immature characters- dramatically position audience to think this is a comedy play. This shows their toxic masculinity & crude innuendo making the family feud seem absurd and futile.
Thrust his maids to the wall. - Act 1 Scene 1
“maids” symbolic of virgin showing how virginity of woman are prioritised over the personality of woman. This suggests the objectification of woman as if they are tools to express man’s sexual desires.
Creates a visual imagery of raping- linking sex and violence together and are both absurd and disgusting.
This suggests a sense of inappropriateness extending to the family feud itself as well.
Crude language shows how violence towards woman are rationalised as woman are “weaker vessels” alluding to the Bible.Ironic as Bible told man to respect woman. However, Sampson uses it to take advantage of woman.
I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues and thee.
Tybalt is constructed to be violent and quick to anger as he brawls with the Montagues at beginning of play.
Repetition of “hate” shows tybalt’s extreme anger. He is unwilling to resolve the family feud due to the social expectations to maintain his reputation and honour. This shows the folly of male youth to hold up such facade.
Direct in his lexis- allegory of aggressive.Ironic as his life starts with violence and ends with it. This juxtaposes with Mercutio’s fanciful language showing how he is lack of wit but full of hatred and violence.
“have at thee, coward.
He uses provocativelanguage and direct address in order to provoke Montagues showing the futility of violence.
He is the victim of patriarchal society as man think if their honour is in jeopardy then they have to respond with violence.
Male characters are governed by deeply ingrained patriarchal ideas to be masculine through violence.
Tybalt and Mecutio embody contrasting worldwide views while acting foils to one another.
They are unlike in their lexis but united by the same fate- death by violence. This reinforce the motif of love v.s. Hatred showing the immense damage of futile violence and how nobody is unharmed.
O, I am slain! - Paris
Paris death shows how the futile family feud and violence causes external damage to other people in society.