sports studies

Cards (28)

  • Values promoted through sport
    N-national pride, E-excellence, t-tolerance and respect, F-fairplay, I-inclusion, C-citizenship, T-teamspirit
  • solutions to barriers
    A-acess, T- transport availabilty, A- appropriate pricing, P-promotion strategies
  • barriers in sport
    lack of disposable income, lack of transport, lack or provision,lack or facilities, lack of time, lack of accesiblilty, lack of confidence, lack of childcare, gender
  • negative impact of using PEDs
    long term effects to health, unfair advantage, cheating, banned from competing if caught, bad example too young children, reflects their country badly
  • Why do people take PEDs?
    media pressure, to bounce back faster after injury, success brings money and fame, train for longer and harder, aid weight control, they think everyone else is taking them
  • what are the olympic values?
    R-respect, E=excellence, F-frendship
  • What are the paralymic values?
    D-determination, I-inspiration, C-courage, E-equlity
  • what effects participation in sport?
    P-provision, A-accessibility, M-media, P-participation, E-environment, R-rolemodels, S-spectators, S-success
  • what do national governing bodies do for their sport?
    S-saftey, P-participation, O-organisation of competitions, R-rules, T-technical support guiance and insurance, F-funding, C-coaching and officiating development, P-policies and initiatives
  • emerging sport
    ultimate frizbee and handball
  • immediate and long term benefits of hosting a major sporting event:
    participation in sport, tourism, transport, legacy for community, national pride, profit, promoting, international status
  • user groups
    P-parents with children, E-ethnic minorities, R-retired, F-families with young children, E-employed, C-carers, C-commitment to family, T-teenagers, D-disabled, U-unemployed, G-gender, Y-young children
  • what is the whereabouts rule?
    performers must provide details of their exact location 3 months in advance for an hour a day 7 days a week. they can be tested any time during that one hour.
  • what is the olympic creed?
    thhe motto explaining the values of the olympics
  • potential immediate long term drawbacks of hosting a major sporting event
    cost, environment, damaged reputation, abandoned facilities
  • negatives before hosting a major sporting event
    expensive to bid and not guaranteed, expensive to build new facilities, employment may be temporary, reputation could be damaged, protests against
  • positives before hosting a major sporting event:
    brings country together, positive global attention, improved local transport, increased income, more jobs, success for the future
  • what is regular and recurring?
    an annual event that is contracted for a period of years
  • examples of regular and recurring
    FA cup, Wimbledon, Formula one
  • What is regular?
    an annual event which a city can host twice in a short period of time but is shared around as a rule
  • examples of regular
    Champions league FINAL
  • what is a one-off?
    an event that will only be hosted by a country once a generation
  • examples of a one-off
    Olympics, Paralympics, football world cup
  • what is WADA?
    W-world, A- anti, D-doping, A- agency
  • examples of gamesmanship
    pretending to be injured, trying to distract someone, faking a foul, time wasting
  • examples of good sportsmanship
    shaking hands after a game, helping opponents when injured, clapping opponents goal
  • sports initiatives
    kick racism out of football, ECB 'chance to shine' campaign, FA rainbow laces campaign, This girl can, Sport relief, FIFA 'football for hope' campaign, Premier Leagues 'creating chances' intiatives
  • sources of funding for sports clubs
    membership fees, lottery funding, grants from local authority, NGBs initiatives, fundraising events, admission charges, media, sponsorship, advertising, private investments, donations, merchandising