eng pre-finals

Cards (35)

  • Research
    A process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data; documentation of critical information; and analysis and interpretation of that data/information, in accordance with suitable methodologies set by specific professional fields and academic disciplines
  • Abstract
    A brief overview of a research study
  • Conceptual Definition
    A variable, such as anxiety, may be defined as a feeling of uneasiness
  • Constitutive Definition

    The basic, dictionary meaning
  • Data
    Information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation
  • Delimitations
    It addresses how the study will be narrowed in scope
  • Experiment
    A research design used to find "cause-effect" relationships the "effect of...on..."
  • Hypothesis
    A statement written by the researcher that states the relationship among or between variables
  • Limitations
    Identify potential weaknesses of the study
  • Null Hypothesis
    The proposition, to be tested statistically, that the experimental intervention has "no effect," meaning that the treatment and control groups will not differ as a result of the intervention
  • Population
    The target group under investigation. The population is the entire set under consideration. Samples are drawn from populations
  • Qualitative Research
    Trying to verify or generate descriptive theory that is grounded in the data gleaned from the investigation (naturalistic)
  • Quantitative Research
    Answer a specific research question by showing statistical evidence that the data may be addressed in a particular way (experimental)
  • Questionnaire
    Structured sets of questions on specified subjects that are used to gather information
  • Random sample
    Everybody has the same chance of being assigned to any group
  • Research
    A systematic, objective way to generate facts
  • Research design
    The method for finding out what the researcher wants to know, experiment, and correlate...
  • Research Methodology
    The method of research design (paradigm as well as statistics and analysis) as well as the approximate timeline for completion of the study
  • Relationship
    The bond or connection between two variables
  • Sample
    A smaller group that represents population of interest
  • Statement of the problem
    Part of the introduction which enumerates the research questions which the study sought to answer
  • Statistics
    Mathematical tools based on the normal curve used to analyze data; it must match with research designs
  • Subject
    The people who are being studied
  • Theory
    An generalization that presents a representation about relationships among phenomena
  • Validity
    Accuracy, the extent to which a test or study measures what it is supposed to measure
  • Variable
    A quality of interest or concepts that can be manipulated, observed or studied
  • Accent
    Shows which syllables are said with special force
  • Entry
    Listed alphabetically, shows how a word is spelled and how words of more than one syllable is divided
  • Etymology
    Word history, tells the origin of a word
  • Restrictive labels
    • Tells you that a word has a special meaning (mus. - music, med. - medicine, etc.)
    • Tells you how a word is used (slang, colloq, dial, etc.)
    • Geographic labels tell you in which region of the country
  • Guide Words
    • Alphabetical order
    • Usually at the top of each set of facing pages
    • Guide words list the first and last defined word to appear on a page
  • Illustrative Sentence
    Shows how a word is used
  • Parts of speech
    • n. noun
    • pron. pronoun
    • v.i. intransitive verb
    • v.t. transitive verb
    • interj. interjection
    • conj. conjunction
    • adj. adjective
    • adv. adverb
    • prep. preposition
  • Pronunciation
    Has symbols to show how to say the words
  • Part of Speech
    Gives the function or functions of a word