c is the speed of light in the free space, v is the speed of light in the medium
Snell's law of refraction
n1 is the index of refraction of incident medium, n2 is the index of refraction of refracted medium
Total Internal Reflection
Occurs when light goes from a higher index medium n2 to a lower index medium n1 with incident angle larger than a critical angle πc: ππ = sinβ1 π1/π2
Mirror Equation
R = Radius of curvature
Sign Conventions for Mirrors
Quantity, Symbol, In Front, In Back, Upright Image, Inverted Image, Object location p, +, -, Image location q, +, -, Focal length f, +, -, Image height hΚΉ, +, -, Magnification M, +, -
2nt = mΞ», m = 0, 1, 2, β¦, bright (constructive), 2nt = (m + 1/2)Ξ», m = 0, 1, 2, β¦, dark (destructive)
a = slit size, D = Diameter of the mirror, L = Distance between two lenses, f0 = Focal length of the objective, fe = Focal length of the eyepiece
Relativistic Velocity addition rule
VAB = Speed of A measured from B, VAE = Speed of A measured from Earth, VBE = Speed of B measured from Earth
Relativistic mass
m/(1 - v2/c2) = Ξ³m = mr
Temperature of Blackbody radiationβ¨
(Plancks' constant)
Photon energy
n = 1, 2, 3, ..., f: frequency
1 eV = 1.602 Γ 10-19 J
Bragg's lawβ¨
photon's scattering angle
me = 9.1 Γ 10-31 kg = 0.511 MeV/c2, h = 4.135 Γ 10-15 eV.s, hc = 1240 eV.nm
Wavelength of Hydrogen spectra
m = 1, 2, 3, ..., n = m + 1, m + 2, ...
Bohr model angular momentumβ¨
L = mevr = nβ, n = 1,2,3 ...
Energy level and spectra for Hydrogen-like atom
Z = Atomic number
Electronic configuration of 29Cu atom
What is the maximum number of electrons in a p state?
Frame of reference
A coordinate system used to describe a physical event
According to this experiment, light could travel faster than light
Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism says the speed of light is independent of motion
Travels through a medium (air)
The medium serves as an absolute frame of reference (all speeds of sound waves are measured relative to the ambient air)
Around 1895, physicists thought the same was true for light and called the medium "ether"
The Michelson-Morley experiment found no interference fringe shift, concluding there is no ether
Einstein's Principle of Relativity
1. Laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference (Inertial frame: where Newton's 1st law holds, no acceleration)
2. The constancy of the vacuum speed of light
If you were traveling in a spaceship at a speed relative to Earth and you fired a laser beam in the direction of the spaceship's motion, the light from the laser would not travel at a speed relative to Earth
Two events that are simultaneous in one reference frame are in general not simultaneous in a second frame moving relative to the first
Time dilation
The time interval between two events measured by an observer who sees the events occur at the same position is shorter than the time interval measured by an observer in motion relative to the events
Particle accelerators would not work without Special Relativity
Atomic clocks sent on commercial flights around the world in 1971 demonstrated time dilation
An astronaut traveling at a speed near the speed of light should choose to be paid according to the time elapsed on the ship's clock to maximize their paycheck