
Cards (41)

  • What are the 2 major groups of plants?
    Flowering and non-flowering
  • Give 2 examples of non-flowering plants.
    Ferns and mosses
  • What are the 2 main groups of animals?
    Vertebrates and invertebrates
  • Give 2 examples of invertebrates.
    Insects and earthworms
  • What is the definition of classification?
    The placing of organisms into groups based on similar features and characteristics.
  • What is the classification system based on?
    Morphology (appearance) or DNA analysis
  • Name the 5 kingdoms.
    Animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, single-celled organisms.
  • Name the hierarchical groups within the classification system, from largest to smallest?
  • What is a hierarchy?

    Group within a group.
  • What is the general term given to the groups in the classification system?
    Taxon (plural = taxa)
  • Which 2 taxa are used in a scientific name?
    Genus and species
  • Why are scientific names used?
    They areuniversaland avoid confusion in different languages.
  • What is an adaptation?

    A feature which enables an organism to survive in its environment.
  • What are the 2 different types of adaptation?
    Morphological (structural)
    Behavioural (e.g. huddling)
  • Why are small ears beneficial in cold environments?
    They reduce heat loss.
  • Why do arctic foxes have white fur?
    To be camouflagedagainst the snow.
  • What resources do plants compete for?
  • What resources do animals compete for?
  • What is the name for competition between members of the
    samespecies?Intraspecific competition
  • What is the name for competition between
    differentspecies?Interspecific competition
  • What happens when you have 2 species competing for the same resource in the same area?
    One will outcompete the other for food, space, nutrients, light etc.
  • What is a population?
    A group of thesamespecies living in an area.
  • Apart from competition for resources, what else can reduce the size of a population?
  • What is a community?
    All the different populations that live together in an area
  • What is the definition of biodiversity?
    The variety of different species and numbers of individuals within those species in an area.
  • Why is biodiversity important?
    Potential foods
    Industrial materials
    New medicines
    Human well-being
  • What are the main threats to biodiversity?
    Habitat destruction
    Alien species
    Invasive species
  • How can biodiversity be conserved?
    CITES (ban on international trade)
    Sites of Special Scientific Interest
    Captive breeding programmes
    National parks
    Seed and sperm banks
    Local biodiversity action plans
  • What can be used to estimate the abundance of species?
    A quadrat
  • Why must quadrats be placed randomly?
    To avoid bias.
  • How can the validity of quadrat data be improved?
    Carry out a suitable number of repeats.
  • How do you estimate numbers of flowers in a large field.
    Create a grid
    Place quadrats randomly by using a dice to generate random coordinates
    Count the number of flowers in the quadrat
    Calculate the mean number per quadrat
    Multiply the mean by the total number of quadrats in field
  • How do you measure changes in distribution of species?
    Line transect
  • What 2 pieces of equipment do you need to carry out a line transect?
    Tape measure and quadrat
  • What is an alien species?

    Species brought into areas where they don't naturally occur.
  • Why do alien species sometimes become invasive?
    They outcompete other native species and grow faster.
  • What is a biological control agent?
    Aliving organismused to limit the population size of another species which has become apest
  • Why is it not in the interest of a biological control agent to kill its host?
    It will lose its food source.
  • What must be carried out before biological control agents are used?
    Widespread research and trials on non-targeted species.
  • What assumptions are made using capture-recapture data?
    Numbers don't change between captures:
    No death or emigration
    No births or immigration
    Marking does not affect the chances of survival