
Cards (9)

  • Natural causes of fire
    • lightning
    • volcanic eruption
    • Spontaneous combustion
  • Pyrophoric substances
    Ignite spontaneous in air or below 54°C or with in 5 minutes after getting into contact with air
  • Pyrophoric substances
    • Iron sulfide
    • plutonium
    • uranium
    • dry fuel sawdust dried leaves and 1 grasses. hay, straw and othe types of grasses
  • Human-made fires
    Products of human errors or machine failures
  • House fire
    Fire incident that is generally caused by human and machine error
  • Common causes of house fires

    • Cooking equipment
    • Heaters
    • Smoking in bedrooms
    • Candle
    • Curious children
    • Faulty wiring
    • Barbeques
    • Flammable liquids (ex. Petrol, kerosene or other methylated substances)
    • lightning (ex. Lamp shape & light fittings can build heat if they are very close to light bulbs)
  • Fire triangle
    Used to identify the three elements required for fire: heat, fuel, oxygen
  • Methods of suppressing fire
    • Starvation
    • Smothering
    • Cooling
  • Four phases of fire
    • Ignition (Incipient) - fire is limited to the point of origin, mild
    • Developing (Surface fire) - the fire has moved from the point of origin and has begun to involve other fuels
    • Absolute Fire (Fire in depth in solid) - the fire is free. burning and consuming large amounts of fuel
    • Burning out decay - no more fuel, fire has consumed the available fuel or oxygen, and is shrinking in size