John Adams was the second president of the United States during the Alien and Sedition Acts and XYZ affair.
Alexander Hamilton was a federalist, Secretary of Treasury, and created the National Bank.
Barbary Pirates used to be paid by US for protection, Jefferson ended this and they attacked ships, he had to send the Navy to fight them.
Strict Constructions were Democratic Republicans and took a strict interpretation of the Constitution.
Loose Constructionists were Federalists and believed the Constitution could be interpreted more loosely.
Louisiana Purchase in 1801 bought Louisiana land for 15 million, TJ was unsure if this was right because he was Constructionist.
John Marshall was the chief justice during Marbury vs. Madison
Judiciary Act was passed by Federalist Congress right before Jefferson took office, creating 16 new supreme court justices. John Adams appointed judges, including William Marbury, to these positions to make Federalist influence.
Marbury vs Madison decided that the Judiciary Act meant that Marbury did deserve a writ of memorandus, HOWEVER, the Judiciary Act itself was unconstitutional. This created the policy of judicial review, Supreme Court decides what is legal.
Mculloch vs Maryland decided Federal law trumps State law.
War of 1812 was the first proper war since Revolutionary War. US wanted to remain neutral as France and Britain fought. However, France and Britain kept seizing American ships. Britishimpressment was also an issue, taking Americans and forcing them to serve in the Royal Navy. US declared war on Britain.
Democratic Republicans supported War of 1812, Federalists opposed it so much that they had the Hartford Convention in 1814. They argued that New England should secede from America and embarrassed themselves because people were happy about victory.
Era of Good Feelings, supposed national unity under just the Democratic Republican party.
American System was created by Henry Clay to unify America. 1. Federally funded roads and canals (vetoed by Madison) 2. National Bank 3. Protective tariffs
Tallmadge Amendment, attached to Missouri's application for statehood prohibiting slavery there. This created anger because slave state-free state balance would be uneven. Even Civil War was threatened.
Missouri Compromise said slave and free states had to enter as pairs and created 36th-30 line to separate free territory from slave territory.
James Monroe was the 5th president of the United States, serving from 1817 to 1825.
Adams Onis treaty settled border with Spain, we get Florida.
Monroe Doctrine claims Western Hemisphere to be a US sphere of influence to be free of European influence.
Market Revolution was the linking of northern industries with western and southern farms, created by advancing agriculture, industry, transportation, and communication. Created a consumer culture.
Cotton Gin, spinning machine, interchangeable parts helped industry in Market Revolution.
American System of manufacturing was division of labor into small, repeatable tasks to create mass production.
Steam boats made waterways better forms of transportation.
Building of canals (Erie canal), railroads, and better roads made transportation and connecting easier, promoting Western agriculture.
1820-1840 saw a boom in immigration, especially from Germany and Ireland.
Middle class began to grow in North and had disposable income to spend on leisure activity during Market Revolution.
Cult of Domesticity became new ideal for women during Market Revolution as middle class grew. Separate spheres for sexes became more common.
Panic of 1819 was first major recession in US history, caused by irresponsible banking practices and decreased demand for exports. This caused working men to demand the franchise (vote) to hold politicians accountable.
Frontier states almost all had universal male suffrage, by 1825 most Eastern states decreased or eliminated property requirements for voting.
Election of 1824 led to split in Democratic Republican party due to influx of new voters. 1. National Republicans who were loose Constructionists. 2. Democrats who were strict Constructionists.
Election of 1824 had 4 candidates due to split in Democratic Republicans: John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay.
Andrew Jackson went to people and asked for votes, first to campaign.
Corrupt Bargain: Henry Clay creates support so that John Quincy Adams becomes president, then gets the vice presidency.
Election of 1828, Democrats choose Jackson, National Republicans choose Adams, Jackson wins.
Whigs are created in opposition to Jackson.
Tariff of 1828 was passed during Adams administration which raised importation costs. Northerners liked it (good for industry), Southerners did not (relied on imports). The South called it the Tariff of Abomination.
John C. Calhoun created the Doctrine of Nullification, which said states could determine the constitutionality of federal laws, and if it failed, nullify it (refuse to follow it).
South Carolina had a convention and nullified the tariff, they threatened secession if federal authorities tried to collect them. This was called the Nullification Crisis.
The Force Bill gave Andrew Jackson the power to use federal troops to enforce federal law in South Carolina, however, he did lower the tariff.
Second Bank of the United States was established as part of Henry Clay's American System, but it destabilized the economy. Many state banks closed because they couldn't afford payments to it. Jackson claimed that the Bank supported the elite so he vetoed it when it was rechartered.