Chapter 4: Learning

Cards (40)

  • Learning
    The process of acquiring knowledge, skills or behaviours through experience.
  • Behaviourist Approaches to Learning
    Theories that propose learing occurs by interacting with the external environment.
  • Classical Conditioning
    Process of learning through the involuntary association between a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus resulting in a condition response.
  • Before Conditioning
    FIrst stage of classical conditioning, no response from neutral stimulus.
  • Neutral Stimulus
    Produces no response prior to conditioning.
  • Unconditioned Stimulus

    Produces an unconscious response.
  • Unconditioned Response
    Naturally occurring behaviour in response to an unconditioned stimulus.
  • During Conditioning
    Second stage of classical conditioning where the neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are repeatedly paired with each other producing an unconditioned response.
  • After Conditioning
    Third stage of classical conditioning, neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stilumus producing a conditioned response.
  • Conditioned Stimulus
    The neutral stimulus which becomes the conditioned stimulus after being repeatedly paired with the unconditioned stimuli.
  • Conditioned Response
    Response that occurs involuntarily after the conditioned stimuli is presented.
  • Operant Conditioning
    A three-phase learning process that involves an antecedent, behaviour and consequence whereby the consequence determines the likelihood of recurrence.
  • Antecedent
    'Stimulus' or even that elicits a particular behaviour.
  • Behaviour
    Voluntary actions that occur in the presence of the antecedent.
  • Reinforcement
    Consequence that increases the likelihood of the behaviour recurring.
  • Positive Reinforcement
    Addition of something pleasant. Increases likelihood.
  • Negative Reinforcement
    Removal of something unpleasant. Increase likelihood.
  • Punishment
    Consequence that decreases the likelihood of the behaviour from recurring.
  • Positive Punishment
    Addition of something unpleasant. Decreases the likelihood.
  • Negative Punishment
    REmoal of something pleasant. Decreases likelihood.
  • Social-Cognitive Approach
    Theories that propose learning takes place in a social setting and involves various cognitive processes.
  • Observational Learning (social, vicarious conditioning/modelling)

    A process of learning tha tinvolves watching the behaviour of a model and the associated consequence of that behaviour.
  • Model
    The individual performing the behaviour being observed.
  • Attention
    Actively focusing on model/behaviour.
  • Retention
    Mental Representation (cognitive)
  • Reproduction
    Physical and mental ability to reproduce/replicate behaviour.
  • Motivation
    Intrinsic/Extrinsic motivation to reproduce behaviour.
  • Reinforcement
    Receiving a consequence or punishment that will increase/decrease the likelihood of replication of behaviour.
  • Systems of Knowledge
    Knowledge and skills are based on an interconnected social, physical and spiritual understandings and in turn contribute to a strong sense of identity and survival.
  • Country
    Traditional lands of a particular cultural group.
  • Multimodal
    Variety of methods.
  • Story Telling (sharing)
    Dreaming stories to communicate about the natural world.
  • Learning Maps
    Creating a visual representation.
  • Non-verbal
    Sharing learning through dance, art and observation.
  • Symbols and Images
    Creating artwork that uses symbols to represent landmarks, animals or objects.
  • Land Links
    Learning and knowledge are inherently linked to nature, land and Country.
  • Non-Linear
    Innovative thinking, comparing different viewpoints from different times to build new understandings.
  • Deconstruct/Reconstruct
    Breaking down a concept from its whole to parts the applying.
  • Community Links
    Learning is shared with others and used to meet the needs of the community.
  • Learning is holistic and deeply connected within complex systems that is embedded within country.