Skin color depends on combination of pigments yellow- carotenoids black- melanic pigments broilers: selected for yellow skin and shanks turkey: does not deposit yellow pigment from diet in its skin
Broilers Skin selected for yellow skin and shanks
Turkey no yellow pigment from diet in skin
Comb, wattles Functions - secondary sex characteristics - development related to gonad activity - regulation of body temperature - ornamentation
Feathers 1. contour feathers - outer most feathers (flight, body)2. Plumules - soft downy undercoat 3. Filoplumes - hair like
Feather Structure composed of B-keratin - color includes pigments (melanin and carotenoids)Structural: blue, iridescence, ultraviolet economically important breeds: white
Feathers orgin Feathers originate from distinct tracts (pterylae)
Feather follicles formed during embryonic development - produces a series of feather throughout the life of the bird
Why not have birds with little feathers more energy/ nutrients directed to grow decreased cost at slaughter hot climate ability
Naked neck - iconompletely dominate- controlled by one gene
Disease any condition that results in deviation from normal functionany abnormal condition that impairs bodily functions in an organism
non-infectious agents chemical, physical, lack or excess vitamins and minerals
External signs -skin, eye, leg, and foot lesions- possible diseases/conditions
Fowl Pox Virus disease: avian poxvirus slow spreading affects all poultry of all ages - scab-like lesions on unfeathered areas lesions in mouth, upperdigestive tract, res[iratory tractmild-moderate drop in production - low mortality
Fowl Pox Transmission + Control -airborne (virus containing crusts and scabs )- enters blood stream via eye, skin wounds, respiratory - mosquitoes and other biting insects Prevention: good management+ strict biosecurity insect control reduce skin trauma vaccination
Signs of Gangrenous dermatitis "suddent sharp increase in mortality 1-60%-darkened gangrenous skin (necrotic)cutaneous sloughing, feather lossSerosanguineous cellulitis "
G Dermatitis Prevent/control -eliminate source of skin trauma mechanical feeders, cannibalismImprove sanitationantiobiotics vaccination good management + strict biosecurity
Food pad dermatitis pododermatitis, food burn, foodpad lesions1980s- inflammation and necrotic lesions on plantar surface of footpadsulcers may develop
Causes of Foot pad dermatitis - wet litter-softens footpad and prone to damage
Breast Blisters Keel cyst- inflammation of the sternal bursa -swollen and flui-filled-bruising, discoloration- thinning of feathers, reddening of skin, blisters, scabs
Breast Blister Prevention - good litter management - control leg problems
Mites -not host specific (all avian species)-feed on blood, feathers, skins, scales - treatment on birds and environment
Chicken Mite/ Northern fowl Mite Dermanyssus gallinae/ Ornithonyssus sylviarum-hemotophagous ectoparasites - anemia -weight loss-decrease in egg production
Scaly leg mite Knemidocoptes mutans-into tissue under the leg scales -infected skin - direct application of an oil-based product
Lice Body LouseShaft louse head louse
Lice- Feed on feathers, debris, skin scales, entire life on host, insignificant on older birds causes debilitation in younger or sick birds
Poultry Effciency - Poultry convert feed to food efficiently - integrated production systems- poultry products are inexpensive and versatile - short generation time and high fecundity