Peoples in prof ed

Cards (37)

  • Operant Conditioning
    B.F Skinner
  • Modelling
  • Social learning
    Bandura and Wallace
  • Education for all and golden rule 

  • Connectionism, law of readiness and exercises
    Edward Lee Thorndike
  • Psychosocial Development Theory
    Erick Erikson
  • Classical Conditioning
    Ivan Pavlov
  • Cognitive Learning Theory

    Jean Piaget
  • Father of Kindergarten
  • Realia, Froebel's protege
  • Discovery learning, spiral curriculum
    Jerome Bruner
  • Learning by doing
    John Dewey
  • Tabula Rasa (blank sheet 

    John Locke
  • Insight learning
  • Moral Development
    Laurence Kohlberg
  • Social Cognitivist, scaffolding
    Lev Vygotsky
  • Psychosexual, father of psychoanalysis
    Sigmund Freud
  • Father of modern Psychology
    Wilhelm Wundt
  • Linguistic Acquisition theory

  • Theory of multiple intelligences
    Howard Gardner
  • Behavioural theory

    John watson
  • Hierarchy of needs, motivation theory
    Abraham maslow
  • Bloom's cognitive taxonomy 

    Benjamin Bloom
  • Looking glass self theory

    Charles cooley
  • Father of Sociology
    Auguste COmte
  • Father of modern education
    John Amos COmenius
  • Sequence of instruction
    Robert Gagne
  • Meaningful Learning
    David Ausbel
  • Advocated the emotional intelligence that determine learning
    Daniel Goleman
  • Father of Intelligence test
    Alfred Bennett
  • he publishes Counselling and Psychotherapy, setting forth to his
    humanistic approach to therapy
    Carl Rogers
  • -claims that man, especially children, have feelings of inferiority that drive them to adapt and develop skills (or bully)
    Alfred Adler
  • he hypothesizes an affective filter or mental block that prevents
    acquirers from utilizing comprehensive input they receive for language acquisition.
    Stephen Krashen
  • he publishes d Origin of Species, propounding d theory of evolution
    through natural selection
    Charles Darwin
  • -he characterizes the mind-body relationship as one of interaction
    38. Galen- he proposed d theory of Temperament

    Rene Descartes
  • he proposed d theory of Temperament
  • proposes moral development that focuses on motivation, experience
    and parental guidance.
    Martin Hoffman