Emerging adulthood is Marked by IDENTITY EXPLORATION and FOCUS ON SELF
Emerging Adulthood a time during which young people are no longer adolescents but have not yet settled into adult roles
Bariatric Surgery carried out to induce weight loss, and it generally involves rerouting or removing parts of the stomach or small intestine (effective solution only for severe obesity)
Generally, adults ages 18 to 64 should engage in 75 to 150 minutes per week of aerobic exercise (depending on intensity levels) and muscle-strengthening activities, preferably spread across a week for substantial health benefits
College-age women are more likely to use emotion focused strategies when dealing with stress
Emotion-focused coping consists of attempts to manage the emotions associated with experiencing a particular event by such tactics as refusing to think about an issue or reframing the event in a positive light
Problem-focused coping involves addressing an issue head-on and developing action-oriented ways of managing and changing a bad situation
Among college students, family life stress, together with academic stress, is associated with high levels of insomnia
A lack of sleep affects executive control, attentional processes (ability to inhibit, sustain, rapidly shift attention), and memory (working, long term and Prospective)
Tobacco smoking is the leading PREVENTABLE cause of death worldwide
Alcohol use peaks in emerging adulthood
College is a prime time and place for drinking, they tend to drink more frequently and more heavily
What are INDIVIDUAL variables that affect the likelihood of alcohol consumption?
Race and ethnicity
Gender (boys)
Social relationships seem to be vital to health and wellbeing
Married people, particularly in young adulthood, tend to be healthier physically and psychologically
Common Mental health Problem among young adulthood
Drug Abuse
Alcoholism is strikingly common with adult age of 20-39
Use of illicit drugs peaks at ages 18 to 25
Marijuana is by far the most popular illicit drug among young adults
Adolescence and emerging adulthood appear to be sensitive periods for the onset of depressive disorders
Sexual behaviors/Attitudes that are viewed the most negatively:
extramarital affairs
Emerging adults tend to have more sexual partners than in older age groups, but they have sex less frequently
People who become sexually active during emerging adulthood rather than adolescence tend to engage in fewer risky behaviors (those that may lead to STIs or unplanned pregnancies)
Key populations at risk of STIs
men who have sex with men
people who inject drugs
prison inmates
sex workers
transgender people
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a disorder that produces physical discomfort and emotional tension for up to 2 weeks BEFORE a menstrual period
Smoking and alcohol consumption may put women at INCREASED RISK for the development of PMS
Dysmenorrhea tend to affect younger women, whereas PMS is more typical in women in their thirties or older