Dessert balancesout a meal and gives "closure" to the meal.
Eating dessert is an opportunity to experience different flavors and textures that you cannot get in other foods like vegetables, meats, and fruits.
Dessert can be an opportunity to be creative. You canmake interesting mixtures thatyouotherwise may nothavethoughtof.
Dessert isn't "fattening". Remember, there is no such thing as a fattening food
Desserts will make you feel like a kid again.. Forget anti-aging creams or long and sweaty workout sessions at the gym, the fastest way to recapture your youth, or embrace a more youthful spirit is to eat like a kid
Dessert is romantic. Desserts are designed for romance. After all, you can't really order a salad with two forks. But, when it comes to cake, that is a different matter.