refer to close connections between people, formed by emotional bonds and interactions
personal relationships
Relationships are not blank, they are continually evolving
to fully enjoy and benefit relationships, we need
skills, information, inspiration, practice, and socialsupport
3 kinds of personal rs: two or more persons who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption and who live together as one household
3 kinds of personal rs: can be thought of as a close tie between two people that is often built upon mutual experiences, shared interests, proximity, and emotional bonding
3 kinds of personal rs:
are close relationships formed between two people that are built upon affection, trust, intimacy, and romantic love
romantic relationship
We usually experience this kind of relationship with only one person at a time
Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler, social-network researchers and authors of the book Connected,
find that the average person has about sixcloseties
online friends don’t count toward close ties
largeonlinenetwork isn’t nearly as powerful as having a few close, real-lifefriends.
some typical characteristics of this type of rs are:
support, mutual trust, regular interactions, shared beliefs and values, security, and a sense of community
These bonds often grow from and are strengthened by mutual experiences
personal relationships
family legacies
enduring sense of security and stability nurtured in an environment of safety and love
the insights and social skills necessary to cultivate healthy, stable relationships
social legacy
attitudes and beliefs about spiritual matters from one source or another
spiritual legacy
If their parents are loving, affirming, forgiving and yet strong in what they believe, children will think of God that way
He is someone who cares, who is principled and who loves them above all else.
spiritual legacy
At home you learned — and your children will learn — lessons about respect, courtesy, love and involvement.
social legacy
Key building blocks of children's blank legacy include: Respect, beginning with themselves and working out to other people.
Rules that are given within a loving relationship
Social legacy
a social, emotional and spiritual legacy passed on from parent to child
family legacies
A spiritual, emotional and social legacy is like a
three stranded cord
The good news is that you can decide to pass a positive legacy on to your children whether you received one or not
family legacies
It is important to remember that passing on a spiritual, emotional and social legacy is a process,
not an event
if we don't intentionally pass a legacy consistent with our beliefs to our children,
our culture will pass along its own, often leading to a negativeend.
hinders our ability to cope with the inevitable struggles of life.
emotional legacy
Unconditional love and acceptance by their parents, combined with conditional acceptance when the parents discipline for bad behavior or actions
social legacy
Demonstrates unconditional love
creates a blank place for the soul - emotional legacy
giving warm family memories to your child can create an atmosphere that provides a child's fragile spirit with the nourishment and support needed for healthy emotional growth
emotional legacy
A strong emotional legacy: Provides a safe environment in which deep emotional roots can grow.
Fosters confidence through stability.
strong emotional legacy: Nurtures a strong sense of positive identity.
Conveys a tone of trusting support.
requireS time and consistency to develop a sense of wholeness
emotional legacy
Skills matter in every stream
What's hot today may not necessarily be 10/20 years later
You must know what your aptitude is before choosing a career
You should not depend your happiness to others
Procrastination is no substitute for laziness
The ingredients of fulfilling career also includes passion and commitment to growth
The ingredients of fulfilling career also includes passion and commitment to growth
You are never too old to switch careers
Being multi-skilled allows you to learn and adapt accordingly
Impulsive decisions lack planning and direction
If you love what you do, you will not feel like you are working