information processing and feedback

Cards (24)

  • guidance - visual, verbal, manual, mechanical
  • visual advantage - useful for all levels, see what is required, can copy
  • visual disadvantage - must be good quality, some skills are too complex, not effective if players arent paying attention
  • verbal advantages - high levels, highlighting key points, basic information sharing
  • verbal disadvantages - information overload, boring, hard to hear, can be too complex to say verablly
  • manual guidance - coach move the performer for the correct skill
  • manual guidance advantage - complete beginners, develop the correct feel
  • manual guidance disadvantage - can feel different when you do it yourself, may not think they are actually performing the skill
  • mechanical guidance advantage - good for dangerous skills, can do without fear, building confidence
  • mechanical guidance disadvantage - expensive equipment, rely on aid
  • Input
    takes in information from the environment, chooses the most relevant piece of information at the time.
  • selective attention
    picking out most important parts of the display
  • Decision Making
    Where the performer selects the appropriate response; could be one they have used before. (STM or LTM)
  • Output
    the chosen decision is made and acted upon. The brain sends information out to the muscles
  • Feedback
    Information on how they performed or the outcome. It is received intrinsically or extrinsically
  • Information processing model
    The four stage process that a performer goes through to make a decision and act upon it
  • Short Term Memory
    System for storing a small amount of information for a brief period, 7 pieces of info for 60 secs
  • Long term memory
    memory store that can hold vast amounts of information for a long period
  • Rehearse
    repeat information over and over in order to get the information processed and stored as a memory
  • Intrinsic feedback
    Information that comes from within, concerning the feel of movement, such as what it feels like to balance
  • Extrinsic feedback
    Information that comes from an external source, e.g a teacher, coach or response from a crowd.
  • Limited channel capacity
    Our brains can only process a certain amount of information at once, too much info results in overload
  • Single channel hyposthesis
    The theory that when receiving many stimuli form the environment, the brain can only deal with one stimulus at a time.
  • Multi channel hyposthesis
    The theory that the brain can process different types of information at the same time by using different stimuli