Coleridge quotes

Cards (72)

  • Eolian Harp - ‘How by the desolate…?

    breeze caress’d/ Like some coy maid half yielding to her lover’
  • Constancy to an ideal object - ‘an image…?
    with a glory round its head’
  • Lime-tree - ‘that nature ne’er…?

    deserts the wise and pure‘
  • Frost at midnight - 'My cradled infant slumbers peacefully./'Tis calm indeed!...?

    so calm, that it disturbs and vexes meditation with its strange and extreme silentness'
  • Dejection - 'Fancy...?
    made me dreams of happiness'
  • Fears in solitude - 'the Book of Life...?
    is made/A superstitious instrument'
  • Frost at midnight - 'he shall mould...?

    Thy spirit'
  • Lime-tree 'And of such hues...?

    /As veil the Almighty Spirit'
  • Eolian harp - 'Meek...?

    Daughter in the family of Christ!'
  • Fears in solitude - 'we gabble o'er...?

    the oaths we mean to break;'
  • Eolian Harp - 'To sit beside...?
    our Cot, our Cot o'ergrown/ With white flower'd Jasmin'
  • Eolian Harp - 'biddest me...?
    walk humbly with my God.'
  • Lime-tree - 'My gentle...?

    hearted Charles!'
  • Fears in solitude - 'my countrymen!...?
    We have offended very grievously/ And been most tyrannous'
  • Fears in solitude - 'women, that would groan...?

    to see a child/Pull off an insects leg, all read of war/ The best amusement for our morning meal!'
  • Fears in solitude - 'Render...?
    them back upon the insulted ocean'
  • Fears in solitude - 'O divine...?
    /And beauteous island!'
  • Frost at midnight - 'Quietly...?
    shining to the quiet Moon.'
  • Dejection - 'I see, not feel...?
    how beautiful they are'
  • Dejection - 'the passion and the life...?
    whose fountains are within'
  • Constancy - 'Nor knows...?
    he makes the shadow he pursues'.
  • Frost at midnight - 'so sweetly...?

    that they stirred and haunted me with a wild pleasure'
  • Fears in solitude- 'pollutions...?
    from the brimming cup of wealth'
  • To William Wordsworth - 'with momentary...?

    stars of my own birth'
  • To William Wordsworth - What kind of song?
    'Orphic song'
  • To William Wordsworth - 'Where France...
    in all her towns lay viibrating'
  • To William Wordsworth- 'plucking...?
    the poisons of self-harm'
  • To William Wordsworth - 'and when I...?
    rose I found myself in prayer'
  • Lime-Tree - 'has...?

    sooth'd me'
  • Pains of Sleep - 'In humble...?

    trust mine eye-lids close'
  • Pains of Sleep - 'To be beloved...?

    is all I need/ And whom I love, I love indeed'
  • Pains of Sleep - 'O'ercome with...?

    suffering strange and wild/ I wept as I had been a child'
  • Pains of Sleep - 'Deeds...?

    to be hid which where not hid'
  • Pains of Sleep - 'fiendish crowd...
    of shapes and thoughts that tortured me'
  • Pains of Sleep - 'which all confused...?

    I could not know/ whether I suffered or I did'
  • Christabel - 'And she in the...

    moonlight will pray/ for the weal of her lover that's far away'
  • Christabel - 'for what she knew...
    she could not tell, O'er-mastered by the mighty spell'
  • Christabel - 'lifted her up,...

    a weary weight/O'er the threshold of the gate/ Then the lady rose again, and moved, as if she were not in pain'
  • Christabel - 'There she sees a damsel...
    bright/ Drest in a silken robe of white'
  • Christabel - 'That He...
    who on the cross did groan, Might wash away her sins unknown'