The population of a society may be divided into freemen and slaves. Slaves do not enjoy rights and privileges, are the property of their master, and can be bought and sold.
Social classes are portions of the community or collections of individuals standing in relation of quality and marked off from others by accepted standards of superiority and inferiority.
Social stratification based on caste, where in an open society individuals can move from one class or status level to another, i.e. equality of opportunity exists.
Estate and Status
Land was granted by the King to nobles, called lords temporal, for military service; they in turn made similar grants to the inferior class on oath of loyalty and military support.
Occupation and Income
Occupation influences social class structure and leads to unequal standard of life. Occupation is related to social status, and attempts have been made to rank occupations.
Social stratification may be based on a variety of forms or interpenetrating principles
Talcott Parsons confirmed that the main criteria of class status are to be found in the occupational achievements of men, as prestige is attached to occupation