Genetic AO1

    Cards (12)

    • The genetic explanation suggests that OCD is inherited
    • Individuals inherit specific genes which cause OCD
    • OCD is a polygenic condition
    • What does polygenic mean?
      Multiple genes are involved in development of a condition
    • According to Taylor (2013) up to 230 different genes may be invloved in OCD
    • How can genes that cause OCD be identified?
      Comparing DNA of person with OCD with other people to showed that some genes make people more vulnerable to developing OCD
    • What are candidate genes?

      Genes that are believed to be associated with a particular trait or disease.
    • What are the two candidate genes associated with OCD?
      COMT gene and SERT gene
    • What is the COMT gene?
      A gene that codes for an enzyme that breaks down dopamine
    • What is dopamine?
      Neurotransmitter which produces pleasure when the ‘reward pathway‘ in the brain is activated
    • What variation of the COMT gene is more common in patients with OCD?
      Variation that results in higher levels of dopamine
    • What is the SERT gene?
      The SERT gene encodes the serotonin transporter protein. Variation may cause lower levels of serotonin which is associated with OCD (and depression)