
Cards (14)

  • Introspection
    A person gains knowledge about their mental state through observing their conscious thoughts and feelings
  • Introspection
    • Subjects reported their mental observations and perceptions
  • Empiricism
    Behaviour is caused and it is possible to predict behaviour in different conditions
  • Empiricism
    • Became the basis for the scientific method
    • Needs to be objective, systematic and reliable
  • Structuralism
    An approach which isolates the structure of consciousness into its basic elements (sensation and perception)
  • Structuralism
    • Very reductionist by examining elements in their most basic parts
  • Wundt uses strict methodology (replicable and controlled lab studies)
  • Wundt founded psychology as a science, his methods are still used today
  • Wundt's methods helped to find the cause of behaviours
  • Wundt influenced Pavlov and Skinner (behaviourist approach)
  • Evaluation
    • Relies on memory
    • Relies on consciousness (non-observable)
    • Difficult to measure these
  • Wundt has been criticised for having a lack of accuracy
  • Wundt's research was only based on lab studies
  • Lab studies
    • Lack mundane realism
    • Lack external validity