Topic 3

Cards (41)

  • Formal Lecture - uninterrupted oral delivery by the lecturer. No questions are asked during lecture 
  • Process type - used to narrate the process
  • Repetition - not exactly repeating statements but the idea is repeated
  • Expository lecture - explains and clarifies topic
  • Objective Description - telling what has been seen or observe. 
  • Authoritarian - less interaction, teacher dominates the discussion
  • Preparation - review of past lesson for apperception, motivation and presentation of problem. 
  • Illustration - lecture maybe present in illustration.  
  • Informal Lecture - delivered conversionally and interrupted once in a while
  • Exactness - telling what a thing really is. 
  • Parts Demonstration - showing parts of a whole, their relationship and fuctions if there are any
  • Coherence - all parts of a topic or composition is clear and unmistakably logical
  • Obverse statement - stating that other things are not subject under consideration, followed by what it is
  • Application - utilization of measuring instruments to measure how much learning pupils have acquired
  • Lecture - discourse that explains, describes any material object
  • Use of Examples - when general statement is difficult to understand, so examples are given to make it clear
  • Emphasis by position - giving more important ideas the most conspicuous position
  • Classification - grouping together objects having similar characteristics
  • Subjective Description - interpretation of what has seen or perceive.  
  • Actual lecture - demonstration - actual lecturing and demonstrating. 
  • Description - process of writing down exactly what has been observed. ; Need clearness 
  • Unity - all details must contribute to the development of the topic
  • Democratic - has interaction between students and teachers
  • Clearness - one thing is not the other
  • Emphasis by proportion - giving more elaborate discussion to main idea
  • Use of Particulars or details - after gen. statement is made, to make it clear it is followed by particulars or details 
  • Narrative Lecture - use to narrate in a chronological order
  • Comparison and contrast - comparing the idea under discussion
  • Emphasis - give more important of the discourse
  • Cause and Effect - gen. statement states a cause, it is followed by effect and v.v.
  • Descriptive lecture - describes concrete objects 
  • Story type - there is a theme or conflict and has sequence of situations
  • Process demonstration - showing different sequential steps in making of something
  • Master the form - student imitate the model as closely as possible. Imitation should be repeated until corrected 
  • Product demonstration - showing the quality of certain product, advantage of using it
  • Acquire speed and accuracy - after student made correct form, speed and accuracy should start. Practice continue until skill is perfected.  
  • Use lecture process demonstration - following the psychological, logical or natural areangement of movements
  • Planning - planning of the action to be taken
  • Result - whether the action taken has achieved the objective
  • Execution of plan - discuss how the plan was carried out