are firsthand, contemporary accounts of events created by individuals during that period or several years later (such as correspondence, diaries, memoirs, and personal histories)
Primary Sources/Primaryang Batis
can be described as those sources that are closest to the origin of the information
Primary Sources/Primaryang Batis
contains raw information and thus, must be interpreted by researchers
Primary Sources/Primaryang Batis
manuscripts, newspapers, speeches, cartoons, photographs, videos, and artifacts
Primary Sources/Primaryang Batis
are closely related to primary sources and interpret them
Secondary Sources/Sekundaryang Batis
documents that relate to information that originated elsewhere
Secondary Sources/Sekundaryang Batis
often use generalizations, analysis, interpretation, and synthesis of primary sources
Secondary Sources/Sekundaryang Batis
textbooks, articles, and reference books
Secondary Sources/Sekundaryang Batis
also known as historical-critical method or higher criticism
Historical Criticisms
a branch of criticism that investigates the origins of ancient texts in order to understand "the world behind the text"
Historical Criticisms
its primary goal is to discover the text's primitive or original meaning and its original historical context and its literal sense
Historical Criticisms
refers to the authenticity of the document
External Criticisms
once the document has been determined to be genuine (external criticism), researchers need to determine if the content is accurate (internal criticism)
includes the physical aspect, author, consistency of the handwriting, and the materials
External Criticisms
How to Test the Authenticity?
Determine the date of the document to see whether they are anachronistic (a chronological misplacing of persons, events, or customs in regard to each other)
> pencils did not exist before the 16th century
Determine the author
> handwriting, signature, seal
Anachronistic style and reference
> its punctuations, time (too late, too early, or too remote)
technique of testing the reliability of the information found in a document
Internal Criticisms
concerned with the authenticity of the information and its purpose is to establish the trustworthiness of the contents of the document
Internal Criticisms
used to detect and determine whether the document contains errors or lies
Internal Criticisms
concerned with the interpretation of the sources
Internal Criticisms
also known as interpretative criticism
Internal Criticisms
accuracy and validity of information, cross-checking