A method of evaluating securities by analyzing the statistics generated by market activity, such as past prices and trading volume, to identify trends and predict future price movements
Technical analysis
Does not measure the intrinsic value of a security
Focuses on charts and tools to identify trends and patterns to predict future price movements
Dow Theory
The basis of technical analysis, which assumes that the market discounts everything, prices move in trends, and history tends to repeat itself
Assumptions/philosophy of technical analysis
Market discounts everything
Prices move in trends
History tends to repeat itself
Fundamental analysis
Focuses on studying the economy, industry, company, and financial condition to decide what securities to buy or sell
Technical analysis
Focuses on studying historical price and volume trends to decide when to buy or sell
Technical analysis is not a crystal ball and cannot definitively predict future price movements
Technical analysis is applicable to a wide range of financial instruments, but is most useful in liquid markets
Technical analyst/chartist
A researcher who analyzes investments based on past market prices and technical indicators
Technical chart
A graphical representation of a security's price and volume history over a time interval, used to make informed investment decisions
Types of technical charts
Line chart
Bar chart
Candlestick chart
In Fin 348, students need to familiarize themselves with line, bar, and Japanese candlestick charts
An initial public offering (IPO) is the first time that stock from a company has been sold to the general public.
A secondary offering occurs when an existing shareholder decides to sell some or all of their shares on the open market, which increases supply and lowers price
The primary market is where the issuer sells securities to investors.