The process of takingvaluableoxygen to the cells for aerobic respiration and eliminating Carbondioxide, which is the waste product of aerobic respiration
Purpose of gas exchange
To promote aerobicrespiration in order to get energy as ATP
Types of respiration in animals
Respiration through skin, no organsnecessary, organisms' plasm membranes are permeable to oxygen and carbon dioxide, example organisms are Hydra and Tardigrade
Absorbsoxygen and excretes carbondioxide through their skin, skin is flooded with mucus, example is Earthworms
In arthropods such as grasshoppers, a well-developedrespiratorysystem of tubules that open to the outside of the body, allows air to directly reach cells
Exchange carbondioxide to get oxygen with the help of a counter current, a counter current is formed between the fish's blood and the water entering
Vertebrates evolved a respiratory system involving lungs and bronchi, also have airsacs called alveoli to take in oxygen and eliminate carbondioxide
Gas exchange in plants
When organisms swap gases with the air or water around them
A chemical reaction that releasesenergyfromglucose, oxygentaken in, carbondioxide given out
A chemical reaction that produces glucose from carbondioxide and water, carbon dioxide taken in, oxygen givenout
During daytime
Photosynthesis rate is higher than respiration rate, plants take in carbondioxide and release oxygen
During nighttime
Respiration rate is higher than photosynthesis rate, plants take in oxygen and release carbondioxide
Palisade tissue
Specialized to collectsunlight, complete photosynthesis and produce glucose
Sponge tissue
Specialized to allow gases to move between the outside of the leaf and the photosynthesizing palisade tissue
Holes in the bottom of the leaf for gas exchange
Guard cells
Responsible for opening and closing the stomata, open during the day to allow carbon dioxide intake for photosynthesis, close at night to conserve water
Respiration of plants
Respiration of humans
Alveoli in human lungs
Millions of airsacs, give the lungs a spongy texture, have a massive surface area of 50-75square meters, very vascular with thin walls to allow gas diffusion
Leaves are also very vascular, have a large surface area, and have thin walls to allow gas diffusion like human lungs
Plants do not have a pumpingorgan to move fluids, they use diffusion and water pressure instead
Parts of air that enter the human respiratory system
Other gases like krypton or radon
Small and large particles
Protective mechanisms in upper airways
Large dirt particles or insects are stopped in the nasalcavity by nasal hair, small particles are trapped by the nasal mucosa
Ciliated cells in nasal mucosa
Move in a wave-like manner to push nasalmucus towards the pharynx
Mucociliary clearance
Small particles caught by nasalmucus are swallowed
Nasal and oral cavity
Warm and moistenrespired air, epiglottis closes the larynx during swallowing to prevent food/liquid from entering lower respiratory tract
Surrounded by incomplete rings of hyalinecartilage for reinforcement
Bronchi and bronchioles
Bronchi have cartilage, bronchioles have elasticfibers and smoothmuscle
Tinyair sacs where gas exchange occurs, composed of thin type 1 pneumocytes and covered in a network of bloodvessels
Gas exchange in alveoli
Deoxygenatedblood enters, oxygen diffuses into blood and carbon dioxide diffuses out, facilitated by red bloodcells
Muscles involved in respiration
Neck muscles, intercostal muscles, and diaphragm that inflate and deflate the lungs
Lungs inflate, creating negative pressure, we breathe in
Lungs deflate, creating positive pressure, we breathe out
Serves as a lubricant to allow the lungs to shift against the chest wall, has an inner layer covering the lungs and an outer layer lining the rib cage and diaphragm, with a pleural cavity in between
Trachea branching

1. Branches into two main bronchi
2. Main bronchi lead to left and rightlungs
Left lung
Has only two lobes (upper and lower)
Right lung
Has three lobes
Blood circulation
1. Deoxygenated blood pumped to lungs through pulmonary arteries (blue)
2. Oxygenated blood returns to heart through pulmonary veins (red)