hyperparathyroidism is characterized by abnormally high levels of parathyroid hormones in the blood and this is due to overactivity of the parathyroid glands
we have primary,secondary and tertiary hyperparathyroidism
tertiary hyperthyroidism is a result of prolonged persistent secondary hyperthyroidism
the aim of parathyroid hormones is to increase levels of calcium and reduce levels of phosphate in the blood
PTH affects bones,kidneys and gut(intestine)
primary hyperparathyroidism is common cause of hypercalcemia
causes of primary hyperparathyroidism include: adenoma,hyperplasia and carcinoma/MEN syndrome type1 and type2
sign of primary hyperparathyroidism include: high PTH, hypercalcemia,hypercalciuria,phosphouria-lead to hypophosphatemia
primary hyperparathyroidism treatment include: 1)Parathyroidectomy. 2)if surgery fails, give calcimimetics
secondary hyperparathyroidism is associated with CKD and low vitamin D levels.
signs of secondary hyperparathyroidisn include: 1)Hyperparathyroidemia. 2)normo/hypocalcemia-because of low vitamin D. 3)hyperphosphotemia-because damaged kidneys cannot excrete phosphate