Movements: Neck flexion and extension, Rotation, Lateral flexion
Muscle and ligament attachments
Passage and protection of vertebral artery and vein (C1-C6 only)
Atlas and Axis movements: Atlanto-occipital joint – nodding i.e. "yes", Atlantoaxial joint – shaking of head i.e. "no"
Thoracic vertebrae
Attachment site for ribs
Muscle and ligament attachment
Movements: Rotation, Limited flexion and extension
Vertebral bodies get larger as you move down the thoracic spine
Support – weight-bearing
Posterior aspect of the pelvis
Muscle and ligament attachment
Pelvic bone attachment site
Sexual dimorphism: Male – Heart-shaped pelvic inlet, Female – Oval-shaped pelvic inlet
Pectoral Girdle
Clavicle & Scapula
Proximal Humerus
Two necks: surgical and anatomical
Weight-bearing and balance assistance in a seated position
Muscle and ligament attachments
Positional support for anus – pelvic floor attachments
Common fracture site
Intervertebral Joint
Hyaline cartilage lines the inferior and superior aspects of the vertebral body, with a intervertebral disc between each vertebra
Intervertebral disc is composed of two parts: Anulus fibrosus and Nucleus pulposus
Location: Back
Attachment Points: Spine & Skull to Scapula, Acromion & Clavicle
Function: Elevates, rotates, retracts and depresses scapula
Zygapophysial Joint
Joints between vertebral arches via articular processes
Specialised for each region and movements: Cervical – Slopes inferiorly from anterior to posterior, Thoracic – Near vertical gradient, Lumbar – Curved and interlock
Location: Shoulder
Attachment Points: Scapula, Acromion & Clavicle to Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Function: Abduction of the arm
Uncovertebral joint
Minor joint – exists only in cervical vertebrae (usually C3-7) due to the 'lipped' vertebral body (uncinate process)
Function: Extensor of flexed femur, Laterally rotates and abducts the thigh, Lateral stabiliser of hip and knee joint through attachment to iliotibial tract
Tensor fasciae latae
Location: Gluteal region
Function: Stabilises the knee in extension, Stabilises (with gluteus maximus) the hip joint – holds head of femur in acetabulum
Gluteus medius and minimus
Location: Gluteal region
Function: Abducts the femur at the hip joint, Medially rotates thigh, Holds pelvis secure over stance leg and prevents pelvic drop on the opposite swing side during walking
Other gluteal muscles
Function: Laterally rotate the extended femur and abduct the flexed femur at the hip joint
Anterior (Extensor compartment - Act on the knee - extension)
Medial (Adductor compartment - Mainly act on hip joint)
Posterior (Flexor compartment - Act on the knee - flexion, Also some act on the hip - extension)
Psoas major & Iliacus
Location: Pelvis/Thigh
Function: Flexes the thigh at the hip joint, Contributes to lateral rotation
Quadriceps femoris
Location: Anterior thigh
Function: Extends the leg at the knee joint, Rectus femoris assists flexion of the thigh at the hip joint, Vastus muscles stabilise patella in knee joint movement
Location: Anterior thigh
Function: Flexes the thigh at the hip, and the leg at the knee