Phagocytes have receptors (extrinsic proteins) on the cell surface membrane that detect antigens, causing chemotaxis.
Chemotaxis - a directional response to stimulus.
2. A phagosome forms to engulf the pathogen, which is then digested by hydrolytic enzymes in the lysosomes.
(BACTERIA) Receptors (peripheral proteins) on the cell surface membrane of the phagocyte detect antigens on the bacteria, causing chemotaxis.
(BACTERIA) The process of endocytosis forms a phagosome to engulf the bacteria, which then undergoes lysosome fusion and is digested by the hydrolytic enzymes in the lysosome.
(BACTERIA) Exocytosis releases non-useful parts of the bacteria from the cell - antigens are retained and presented so the cell becomes an APC.
There are two types of specific immune response: humoral and cellmediated.
The cell-mediated response involves T cells, which are produced in the bonemarrow and matured in the thymus.
The humoral response involves B cells, which are produced and matured in the bonemarrow.
An antigen is a chemical that can trigger an immune response.
There are 4 types of APC:
cancer cells
blood cells
pathogenically infected cells
There are two types of T cell:
T helper cell
cytotoxic T cell
Helper T cells recognise antigens, activate Tcs and stimmulate B cells to make antibodies.
Cytotoxic T cells bind to infected cells, release enzymes (perforin) and destroy the APC by triggering cell suicide.
Specific T helper cells that have a complementary receptor to the antigen bind to antigens on antigen-presenting phagocytes, causing them to become activated.
Activated TH cells divide rapidly by mitosis and create clones.
Cloned TH cells develop, stimulate phagocytosis, stimulate B cells and activate Tc cells which kill infected body cells.
B-cell receptors bind to complementary antigens, then present them on their surface, becoming APCs.
Clonal selection: TH cells attach to the antigen and activate the B cells.
Clonal expansion: Activated B cells divide by mitosis, forming clones.
Cloned B cells differentiate into plasma cells or memory cells.
Plasma cells:
produce antibodies
primary immune response
Memory cells:
divide to become plasma cells when encountering the same antigen
secondary immune response
Antibodies are all proteins made of 4 polypeptide chains, demonstrating quaternary structure.