Cards (57)

  • MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM- It is also called the male genital system, and is responsible for producing, transporting, and maintaining viable sperm (the male sex cell). This system also produces the male sex hormones, testosterone, which regulates the development of a beard, pubic hair, a deep voice, and other bodily characteristics of the adult male.
  • The testes, also known as testicles, are pair of egg-shaped glands suspended behind the penis in a sac called the scrotum. The main function of the testes is to produce spermatozoa.
  • The male reproductive system consists of the testes, the ducts that transport sperm, a number of accessory glands, and the external genitalia
  • Spermatozoa or sperm cells, which are transported to other parts of the male reproductive system via a series of ducts. A second important function of the testes is to secrete testosterone, a male sex hormones responsible for development of so-called secondary sex characteristics in men (e.g., beard, pubic hair, voice deepening, and maturation of the reproductive organs).
  • Each testis contains numerous tiny, winding tubes called seminiferous tubules.
  • epididymis- a large tube located over the upper part of each testis and serves as a temporary storage site for spermatozoa, and it is here that sperm cells mature and become motile.
  • The epididymis leads to a narrow tube called the vas deferens, also known as the seminal duct or ductus deferens.
  • seminal vesicles- are a pair of glands located at the base of the bladder. They secrete a thick, sugary, yellowish fluid;
  • semen- Fluid from the seminal vesicles accounts for a large portion of the volume of semen, nourishing the highly active sperm cells.
  • The vas deferens and the seminal vesicles join to form the ejaculatory duct, which transports the newly formed semen to the urethra, the tube through which semen is expelled from the body during ejaculation.
  • prostate gland- a muscular and glandular structure, is located beneath the urinary bladder and surrounds the urethra. This gland secretes an alkaline fluid that promotes sperm motility.
  • Cowper’s glands, also called the bulbourethral glands, are two pea-shaped glands located just below the prostate. They are connected by a small duct to the urethra. These glands secrete an alkaline fluid that enhances sperm viability.
  • The male external genital organ, the penis, is composed of erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra.
  • The glans penis is the enlarged tip of the penis where the urethral opening is located. At birth, it is covered by a flap of tissue called the prepuce, or foreskin, which is removed if a male undergoes circumcision.
  • balanoplasty = plastic surgery of the penis
  • epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis
  • CRYPTORCHIDISM = failure of a testis to descend
  • orchiotomy = surgical incision into a testis
  • orchidometer = instrument used to measure the testes
  • oscheoma = tumor of the scrotum
  • prostatitis = inflammation of the prostate
  • seminuria = presence of semen in the urine
  • azoospermia = lack of spermatozoa in the semen
  • spermatogenesis = production of spermatozoa
  • testalgia = pain in the testes
  • testicular = pertaining to a testis
  • vaseciomy = surgical removal of the vas deferens
  • vesiculitis = inflammation of a seminal vesicle
  • Anorchism - congenital absence of one or both testes
  • Azoospermia- condition characterized by lack of spermatozoa in the semen
  • Belanitis- inflammation of the glans penis.
  • benign prostatic hypertrophy- benign enlargement of the prostate gland
  • Chlamydia- infection/ usually of the uretara
  • Cryptorchism- failure of one or both of the testicles to descend into the scrotum at birth
  • Epididymitis- inflammation of the epididymis
  • Gonorrhea- infection usually of the urethra by nesseriu gonorrhoeae and penile discharge
  • Gynecomastia- abnormal enlargement of one or both of the male mammary glands (breast)
  • herpes genitalis- infection of the skin the genitals by herpes simplex virus
  • Hydrocele- accumulation pf fluid in a sac- like cavity
  • Impotence- inabitityto achieve or maintain a penile erection