health learning aim c

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Cards (45)

  • physical impacts of ageing
    • cardiovascular disease
    • degenerationn of the nervous system
    • degeneration of the sense organs
    • alzheimers disease and vascular dementia
  • degeneration of the nervous system
    reaction timeand performance of tasks may become slower as the brain processess nerve impulses more slowly
  • degeneration of the nervous system example 

    short term memory and the ability to learn new material tend to be affected relativly early. the ability to use words and vocabulary may begin to decline after the age of 70
  • cardiovascular disease

    fatty deposits break away and block the arterty. if it is blocked it can cause angina,breathlessness and chest pain.if there is a significant amount of blockage, the person may experience a heart attack.
  • cardiovascular disease

    the blood vessel can also start to lose their elasticity causing the heart to work harder, increase in size and raise blood pressure.
  • cardiovascular disease 

    it is also effected by the lifestyle choices
    • family history of heart disease
    • ethinic background
    • overweight/obese
    • smoking
    • lack of exercise
  • alzheimers disease and vascular dementia
    Dementia is more likely to occur in older people. According to the Alzheimer’s Society, more than 5 per cent of people over the age of 65 and as many as 20 per cent of people over the age of 80 are affected by dementia.
  • alzheimers disease and vascular dementia
    Dementia is a brain disorder that seriously affects a person’s ability to carry out daily tasks and activities. A person with dementia is likely to experience problems with understanding what is happening around them, communicating, reasoning, finding their way and remembering recent events.
  • degeneration of the sense organs
    Hearing and vision may deteriorate – this could lead to them needing stronger lenses in their glasses or hearing aid
  • degeneration of the sense organs
    As people grow older, the lenses can become hard and cloudy which can result in blurred vision which can cause cataracts.
  • degeneration of the sense organs
    Glaucoma is an increase of fluid pressure within the eye. It can affect eyesight in later life with symptoms that can range from hazy or blurry vision or eye pain to sudden loss of vision.
  • degeneration of the sense organs
    The ability to taste and smell may deteriorate
  • high incomes effects on physical health
    • often are healthier as they have more access to nutrition
    • burn outs
  • high income effects intellectual health
    • feeling of loneliness and isolation
    • spends more time alone due to having a busy schedule so that they can keep there high income
    • burnouts
  • high income effects emotional health
    • makes people feel happier and reduces mental health problems
  • high income effects social health
    • on what friends they have in life due to they my start caring about the social status of their friends
    • may feel they only have friends due to the how much money that they have
  • low income impacts physical health
    • feels stressed due to not being able to afford certain things such as food or pay bills
    • health inequalties due to poor living conditions and lack of nutrition
  • low income effects intellectual health
    • trigger anxiety and panic attacks
    • sleeping problem
  • low incomes impact on emotional health
    • depression
    • may feel overwhelmed
  • low incomes impact on social health
    • adopted unhealthy habitats to fit in or cope with stress
    • may interact with people who may do minor crimes suchas vandalism or smoking weed or drinking alcohol
  • pollution effects physical health
    • asthama
    • lung disease
    • stroke
    • other illnesses
  • pollution effects intellectual health
    • higher levels of stress
    • psychological distress
    • increase risk of dementia alzheimers
  • pollution effects emotional health
    • increase risk of psychriatic disorders
  • pollution effects social health
    • reduces social competence- ability to handle social situations
  • education effects physical health
    • can cause headaches
    • if overloaded with information the brain will burn out quickly
  • education can effect intellectual health
    • can make people very stressed if not being able to remeber certain information
    • can make people gain more knowledge about certain subjects that they like
  • education can effect emotional health
    • more feeling of responsibilty
    • feeling pressured academically
  • education impacts social health
    • may not have good skills depending on if the went to a private or boarding school
    • can be a great way to learn about other people to build strong lifelong friendships
  • divorce impacts physical health
    • difficulties sleeping
    • chest pain
    • upset stomach
    • changes in appetite
  • divorce impacts intellectual health
    • different feelings can effect the limbic system- behaviour and emotional responses
  • divorce effects emotional health
    • feelings of guilt, depression,fear,anxiety,sadness
  • divorce effects social health
    • socially awkward
    • struggles to interact with society again when being without their partner
    • may struggle with dating in the future