Phenomenon that brings fewer storms but is also associated with severe dry spells or droughts
La Niña
Phenomenon that is correlated with destructive typhoons and heavy rainfall, and is associated with landslides and floods
Public Storm Warning Signal (PSWS)
Warning issued in the affected areas to inform the public of the storm's projected impacts and how soon they are expected to be felt
Supercell thunderstorm
Highly organized with a large rotating updraft that can be 20 km in diameter and 15 km in height
Multi-cell thunderstorm
Has a system of individual cells, with each cell usually lasting for 30 minutes to an hour, while the entire system can last for hours
Center part of a tropical cyclone
20 is the average number of tropical cyclones that the Philippines experiences in a year
During a thunderstorm if you are in an open field
Keep distance from trees & other high points to have a higher change of not getting electrocuted from thunder strikes
Branch of meteorology that deals with problems involving the hydrologic cycle, the water budget, and the rainfall statistics of storms
Hydrometeorological hazard that happens when some areas usually not covered by water are engulfed or submerged
Weather condition that produces lightning and thunder, and heavy rainfall from cumulonimbus clouds
Storm surge
Commonly associated with low-pressure weather systems
Stop, drop and roll
If your clothing catches medium amount of fire while cooking or working in a school lab
Think of what will you do if your kitchen closet catches initial fire
Gas source needed to create fire in the fire triangle
Friction between the matchstick head and a dry surface
Heat in the fire triangle
High temperature cooking oil
Can cause a frying pan to set ablaze
Air entering the room
Can cause a sudden blaze of fire if you open a room
At least two exit routes is what you need in case of fire emergency
Color code for a fire emergency exit sign
What is the best thing to do upon reaching the family meeting place in times of fire outbreak?
Follow your communication plan
PASS system
In fire extinguishers
Prevented by the electrical wire insulation to transfer to other conductors
Will be removed if you cover a burning candle with a glass
Hazard and population
Two elements that determine exposure
Susceptibility, coping capacity, and adaptive capacity
Three elements that determine vulnerability
Japan has a high exposure to hazards. Japan has a better economy, coping capacities, and long-term adaptive capacities and that is their best countermeasure to lower its disaster risk
Increased population is what causes the high exposure of India, Indonesia, and the Philippines to risk
Social conditions
Have an inverse relationship to vulnerability. Poverty, poor living conditions, and low literacy rates aggravate susceptibility
Active participation of citizens in a community
Distinguishes a community-based preparedness plan
The Philippines has a high exposure value due to its population of 110 million. Increase the coping and adaptive capacities of its citizens would best turn this limitation into an opportunity to improve the country's risk index
Remember essential items in your emergency kit
Understanding disasters is the priority of local communities in disaster prevention and mitigation
Which is a national plan that share the same goals as NDRRMP
Philippine Development Plan 2017–2022
Ambisyon Natin2040
National Security Strategy
Sendai Framework
Reduction of disasters and loss of lives, livelihood, and assets is the primary goal
Role of information and communication technology in DRRM
To facilitate analysis, assessment, monitoring, and implementation in all phase of DRRM
Early warning phase of disaster management
Involved are sensors, satellite data, datacollection and evaluation
Digitalized approach in a community-based preparedness plan
Has the application of information and communication technologies