magazine/ newspaper

Cards (24)

  • cover line
    text around the main image with titles of articles
  • main cover line
    bigger and bolder than normal cover line
    relates to the central image
  • central image
    picture on front cover
  • headline
    summarises the selling point
  • strap line
    summarises the essence of the brand or issue
    similar to tagline/ slogan
    e.g nike "just do it"
  • masthead
    title of magazine/newspaper
  • covermount
    small gift/freebie attached to the front cover of a magazine
  • slogan
    short phrase most companies use to stand out and make their brand recognisable
  • stand first
    sentence after a headline and before an article begins
    it sells a feature article to the reader
  • box out
    a coloured box behind text to make the text stand out
  • anchorage
    brief info that comes from a coverline to give reader more info
  • house style
    style of the magazine
    same fonts, colour, layout throughout issue
  • screamer
    brief parts of the text to grab attention
    often using question or exclamation marks on the magazine front cover
  • puffs
    words or phrases on the cover of a magazine used to boost its status
  • pugs
    short pieces of information placed on magazine covers.
    e.g cover price, issue number, barcode
  • secondary lead
    a sneak preview of an inside article or story usually a picture
  • sidebar
     a small section of text next to a longer article.
    A sidebar usually has information that relates to the main story beside it
  • spread
    a story that covers more than one page
  • splash
    lead story of paper
  • tag
    using certain words of phrases to engage readers interest
    e.g new, exclusive
  • by-line
    name of reporter
  • cross head
     small headlines generally placed after five paragraphs.
    Each crosshead introduces a new or a different point in the story.
  • kicker
    story designed to stand out from rest of the page using different fonts
    main article
  • lure
    usually a word or phrase that makes people read the inside the article