clin comm

Cards (100)

  • What are the 3 key components of pharmaceutical care practice?
    1. patient care process
    2. practice management system
    3. philosophy of practice
  • What is pharmacy practice's philosophy of practice?
    -meeting a societal need
    -fulfilling specific responsibilities
    -utilizing a patient-centered approach
    -caring through a therapeutic relationship (caring paradigm)
    -working as a collaborative member of the health care team
  • List 5 dimensions of patient-centered care
    1. understand all aspects of the patients illness
    2. perceive each patient as a person
    3. foster egalitarian relationship with patients
    4. build a therapeutic alliance with patients
    5. develop self awareness of personal effects on patients
  • List 2 primary functions of communication
    1. establishes an ongoing relationship
    2. provides the exchange of information necessary to provide the best care
  • What is the connection between patient care and communication?
    -building a therapeutic relationship with the patient and buidling rapport
    -using the patient care process and problem solving to ensure good information exchange
  • What are the 5 communication elements?
    1. sender
    2. receiver
    3. message
    4. feedback
    5. barriers
  • What are 3 problems that can occur during feedback?
    1. sender focuses on message; misses feedback
    2. receiver fails to provide appropriate feedback
    3. sender and receiver are overconfident and assume it was interpreted/understood correctly
  • Name 2 main categories of barriers and reflect on environmental barriers present where you work
    1. environmental- physical
    -pharmacist visible, avaible, etc.
    2. personal- pharmacist or patient
  • Identify at least 1 strategy each for overcoming 6 types of pharmacist related barrier
    1. low confidence or shyness
    -more practice
    2. internal monologue/noise- competing thoughts
    -talk about it with someone in order to move on; learn to compartmentalize
    3. value of communication
    -figure out the source of why you don't value communication and remove that barrier
    4. discomfort in sensitive situations
    -comes from fear of not knowing what to say and not saying anything, you can practice more and work on empathy and certain phrases to use
    5. focus on delivering message
    -eye contact and ensuring you are focused on the patient not on anything else
    6. overgeneralizing; treating all patients as same
    -realize patients are individual people, work on empathy and personalization
  • List the 4 types of patient related barriers
    1. perceptions of healthcare providers
    2. perceptions of illness
    3. perceptions of what to do when ill
    4. information overload
  • Identify the distances of the 4 personal space zones
    -intimatae: <18 in
    -personal: 18 in to 4 ft
    -social: 4-12 ft
    -public: >12 ft
  • What is your responsibility as a sender in regards to messages
    sender of messages is responsible for assuring
    -message is transmitted using simplified terminology
    -congruent verbal and nonverbal messages sent
  • What is your responsiblity as a sender in regards to feedback?
    -sender should ask for feedback from the receiver
    -don't assume the message was understood
    -check if message was received as intended and clarify any misunderstandings, watch nonverbal cues
  • What is your responsibility as asender in regards to barriers?
    -message delivered in barrier free environment
    -your obligation as the sender is not complete until you have determined if the person understood it correctly
  • What is your responsibility as areceiver in regards to message?
    -listening to what is transmitted (the message) by the sender
    -be aware of nonverbal messages you send
  • What is your responsibility as areceiver in regards to feedback?
    -should provide feedback to the sender by describing what you understood the message to be
  • What is your responsibility as areceiver in regards to barrier?
    -reducing barriers (environmental and personal)
  • Define nonverbal communication

    -not with words, but it includes how words sound and how you look saying the words
    -messages sent through body language, gestures, tone, body postures, facial expressions, eye contact
  • Define paralanguage

    -tone (sarcastic, angry)
    -volume (soft or loud)
    -pauses and hesitations (um, uh)
    -noises (clearing throat, sighing)
  • Define open body posture

    opening up personal space by having your arms open and your shoulders relaxed with no barriers
  • Define closed body posture
    closing off personal space is barrier to communication, i.e. crossing arms
  • Define mirroring

    unconsciously mimic other people's open or closed body posture
  • Define congruence

    verbal and nonverbal match
  • Define incongruence

    verbal and nonverbal don't match
  • How do you accurately interpret nonverbal messages
    -nonverbal messages usually interpreted as intentional
    -to interpret accurately use backgrown and cue clusters
  • State 4 reasons we use nonverbal communication
    1. substitutes: using only body bc they can't hear or understand verbal
    2. repeats/complements: talk with hands
    3. regualtes: eye contact taking turns when talking
    4. contradict: laughing when sad
  • What are 4 ways nonverbal communication is delivered
    1. body movements
    2. facial expressions
    3. eye contact
    4. paralanguage
  • What is an example of congruence and incongruence?
    -congruence: nodding head and saying yes
    -incongruence: laughing while crying
  • Contrast hearing vs listening
    -hearing: physical ability
    -listening: skill, implies understanding
  • Contrast passive vs active listening
    -passive listening: interested, but assume we heard and understood correctly
    -active listening: interested and restate or paraphrase understanding of message and reflect back to sender for verification (verification is distinguishing factor)
  • State the 3 parts of a perception check
    1. describe behavior or nonverbal you observed
    2. 2 possible interpretations of the behavior or nonverbal cue
    3. a request for clarification about how to interpret the behavior or nonverbal cue
  • List 12 barriers to listening well
    1. information overload
    2. noise (external and internal)
    3. rapid thought
    4. not paying attention
    5. learning not to listen- learn to tune out
    6. preparing to speak instead of listening
    7. talking instead of listening
    8. selective listening
    9. bias or prejudice
    10. language differences or accents
    11. message too complex (too many details)
    12. speaker's needs not clear
  • Define paraphrasing and how to use it to help others improve their active listening skills using organizing and elaborating
    -does not signal agreement
    -simply restate what was said, phrase in your own words
    -parroting is awkward, impedes learning
  • Explain how learning to better read nonverbal cues can help improve your listening skills

    -read other's nonverbal (cue clusters)
    -paraphrase your understanding
    -offer feedback to show you are listening
    -withhold judgement
    -use perception checks
  • Define empathy

    -ability ot perceive and understand a person's feelings
    -identifying or feeling the feelings, attitudes, or thoughts of another
    -perspective taking (imagine yourself in place of another)
    -identifying the person's emotions and communicating understanding
  • Compare and contrast sympathy and empathy
    -not just words, trying to understand what the person is feeling
    -understanding how someone feels, is about emotion, not words
    -taking on someone's feelings, experiencing their feeling

    -acknowledges someone is in distress
    -feel compassion or pity
    -"I'm sorry to hear that"
    -conveys judgement
    -may include offering comfort with words, offering words of support
  • What are the 2 primary functions of empathy?
    1. establish rapport
    -increased trust
    -patient feels cared for
    2. improve communication
    -pt feels understood and feelings validated
    -provider cna identify emotions or summarize a situation better
  • What are 3 reasons for the decline in empathy?
    -social media
    -tech advances provide alternate forms of communication
    -decreased amount of face to face interactions
  • What are the 6 barriers to empathy?
    1. too much time, attention, and focus needed
    2. fear of saying the wrong thing
    3. stereotype people; may be cynical
    4. depersonalization- stress causes you to detach
    5. hesitant to take on too many feelings
    6. compassion fatigue
  • Describejudging as a response instead of empathy

    -evaluate a person's feelings
    -"should" or "shouldn't" used
    -feelings are "right" or "wrong"