
Cards (19)

  • IMRaD
    Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion
  • IMRaD
    • An organizational structure (a document format) prominently used in scientific journal writing
  • IMRaD is prescribed when a research is to be published in a scientific journal
  • Full Research Format
    Chapter 1 - 5
  • IMRaD Format
    Chapter 1 - 4
  • Why authors use IMRaD format
    • Provides a comprehensive framework that guides the author in writing manuscripts
    • Helps the author to organize ideas and remember critical elements of the study
    • Makes it easier for the editor and reviewer to evaluate manuscripts
    • Helps the reader to locate specific information
  • Parts of IMRaD
    • Introduction
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Discussion
  • Introduction
    1. The problem (what is known) global, national and local
    2. The research gap (what is unknown)
    3. Rationale of the study
    4. Literature Review
    5. Statement of the Problem
    6. Scope and Delimitation
    7. Significance of the Study
  • Methods
    1. Selection of Respondents/Participants
    2. Research Instruments
    3. Data Gathering Procedure
    4. Data Analysis
    5. Ethical Considerations
  • Results
    1. Key findings (data)
    2. Tables, graphs, figures, charts
    3. Data analysis (Statistical/Thematic)
  • Discussion
    1. Justification of results
    2. Implications of findings
    3. Conclusions
  • Title
    Proposed, approved and permanent
  • Abstract
    Paragraph not less than 150 words and not more than 250 words, containing the general research problem, purpose and objective, the research method and design, the respondents/participants, summary of the specific findings, and conclusions and recommendations
  • IMRaD Structure (Quantitative)
    • Introduction (explicit discussion of the problem, conceptual/theoretical framework, statement of the problem)
    • Methods (justification on the use and selection of research purpose/objective, selection of respondents, data gathering tools, data analysis, ethical considerations)
    • Results (presentation of computed data into tables or graphs, presentation of key findings and statistical analysis, no citing of related reviews)
    • Discussion (restatement of major findings, explain the overall outcome of the result, its implication to the field of the study and implications for future research and application, formulation of conclusions, stronger recommendation to reconcile the contradiction between theory and practice)
  • IMRaD Structure (Qualitative)

    • Introduction (explicit discussion of the problem, theoretical framework optional, intensive review of the tentative research title leading to the grand tour question or statement of the problem)
    • Methods (justification of the appropriate use of research method in relation to the grand tour question or statement of the problem, selection of participants, interview and observation guides, data analysis and synthesis procedure, ethical considerations)
    • Results (presentation of specific findings through inductive method, identify patterns developing from the data and state them as findings, converge all these patterns into a general finding)
    • Discussion (same as Quantitative)
  • Chapters in Quantitative Research using IMRaD
    • Chapter 1 - The Problem and Its Setting (Introduction, Literature Review, Conceptual/Theoretical Framework, Statement of the Problem, Scope and Delimitation, Significance of the Study)
    • Chapter 2 - Methodology (Selection of Respondents, Research Instruments, Data Gathering Procedure, Data Analysis, Ethical Considerations)
    • Chapter 3 - Results (Presentation of key findings, Presentation of computed data into tables, graphs, charts and figures, Data Analysis (Statistical))
    • Chapter 4 - Discussion (Justification of results, Implications of findings, Conclusions, Recommendations)
  • Chapters in Qualitative Research using IMRaD
    • Chapter 1 - The Problem and Its Setting (Introduction, Literature Review, Theoretical Framework optional, Statement of the Problem, Scope and Delimitation, Significance of the Study)
    • Chapter 2 - Methodology (Selection of Participants, Research Instruments, Data Gathering Procedure, Data Analysis, Ethical Considerations)
    • Chapter 3 - Results (Presentation of specific findings, Presentation of themes/patterns into a general finding, Data Analysis (Thematic, Content, Narrative, Discourse))
    • Chapter 4 - Discussion (Justification of results, Implications of findings, Conclusions, Recommendations)
  • References (at least 20 references) and Appendix are included
  • The study material is from a webinar on IMRaD Research Format by Dr. Edward Padama