
Cards (47)

  • Kaiser Wilhelm II
    Wanted full control of the political system and to make Germany a World Power
  • Socialism
    • Rise of Socialism made it difficult for Kaiser Wilhelm II to have full control as they want to promote rights for workers; which cost money
  • Chancellor Bulow and Chancellor Caprivi
    1. Agreed to help socialism through the extension of pensions
    2. Banned working on Sunday and lowered food prices
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II
    Tried to stop socialism by threatening to put strikers in prison and to shoot members of the SDP (1898)
  • Navy Laws
    Two laws passed in 1898 and 1900 to help Germany become a power, the second increased the German navy to 38 ships
  • Britain
    Felt threatened by the increase in the German navy, leading to the naval race
  • The naval race was unpopular as it meant taxes had to be increased
  • British Blockade
    • Led to a lack of supplies being imported
    • Caused the Turnip Winter of 1915-1916 which caused lots of starvation
    • Led to c. 750,000 people starving to death
  • By the end of the war the German government's debt had trebled from 50 to 150 billion
  • Revolts in 1918 against the Kaiser
    1. Kiel Mutiny, in which the navy refused to follow orders to attack the British Blockade
    2. Kaiser was forced to abdicate on 9th November 1918
  • President
    Elected every 7 years and had use of article 48 in an emergency
  • Political parties
    Gain same % of seats as % of votes (proportional representation), which led to coalitions
  • Germany lost c. 10% of its land due to the Treaty of Versailles
  • Spartacists Revolt
    1. Jan 1919 - Luxembourg and Liebknecht led 100,000 workers to overthrow the government
    2. Failed as government armed the Freikorps, who out down the revolt
  • Kapp Putsch
    1. Right wing revolt in March 1920, supported the by the armed Freikorps
    2. Took over Berlin for 4 days
    3. Failed when workers striked and Berlin came to a standstill
  • Munich Putsch
    1. Hitler attempted and failed to take over Munich and Berlin
    2. Betrayed by other right wing leaders (Lossow and Kahr)
    3. Arrested and sentenced to 5 years in prison, only served 9 months
  • Germany forced to pay reparations of £6.6 billion due to the Treaty of Versailles
  • Invasion of the Ruhr
    1. French invaded in 1922 to take resources as punishment for Germany failing to pay reparations
    2. German workers, told to passively resist
    3. Government printed more money to pay wages, which led to Hyperinflation
  • Hyperinflation
    • Prices dramatically rose, in November 1923 an egg cost 80 million marks
    • Middle class lost their savings; people were too poor to afford the necessities
    • People lost faith in the Weimar government
  • Stresemann
    1. Signed the Locarno pact (1925), which agreed to respect the land borders set out in the Treaty of Versailles, gaining Germany entry to the League of Nations (1926)
    2. Able to invest in German economy using loans from the US (Dawes plan - 1924) and reduced reparations (Young Plan - 1929)
  • Art and Literature
    • Focus on realism, with artists such as Otto Dix and novels such as 'All Quiet on the Western Front'
  • Film
    • The film industry boomed with c. 250 films being produced a year, Marlene Dietrich was a famous German actress of the era
  • Standard of living
    • Wages increase by 10%, hours drop, new housing (2 million built), 60% less homeless
  • The Great Depression was caused by the Wall Street Crash, which led to the USA recalling loans, banks and business closing and high unemployment
  • Chancellor Bruning
    Tried to solved the economic crisis by raising taxes and cutting benefits, this was unpopular and led to high use of article 48
  • Unemployment had reached 6.1 million by 1933
    • Gained popularity, in 1928 they only had 12 seats in the Reichstag, by July 1932 they had 230 seats
  • Reasons for NSDAP's increase in popularity
    • Propaganda: Slogans like 'Work and Bread' appealed to the unemployed
    • Promises: Promised business owners to protect them from communism; promised farmers to pay them a fair price for their grain
    • Economic: The Great depression meant many people were losing faith in the government
  • Hindenburg tried to avoid making Hitler chancellor, however, when Von Papen and Von Schleicher both failed he had no choice. Hitler become chancellor in Jan 1933
  • Hindenburg tried to limited Hitler's influence by only allow 3 Nazi's to serve on the 12 person cabinet
  • Hitler has to deal with several groups to gain full control
    1. Communists: Removed threat after the Reichstag Fire was blamed on the communists, ordered imprisonment of 4000 communists
    2. Reichstag: Introduced the enabling act and forced the Reichstag to pass this through his use of the SA (threatening to hurt politicians families)
    3. Trade Unions: Used the enabling act to abolish them
    4. Political Parties: Used the Enabling Act to ban all parties other than the NSDAP
    5. SA: Removed the SA in the Night of the Long Knives by ordering the execution of their leader Rohm and c. 100 leaders and political opposition
    6. President Hindenburg: Merged the role of president and chancellor into the position of Fuhrer after Hindenburg died in August 1934
  • Unemployment
    • All men aged 18-25 had to completed 6 month unpaid in the RAD
    • Public work schemes were set to build schools, autobahns and hospitals
    • Women were not counted in unemployment figures
    • The army was rebuilt from 100,000 to 1.4 million, created jobs in factories producing weapons and ammunition
    • Unemployment figures went from 6.1 million in 1933 to 0.4 million in 1939
  • Self Sufficiency
    • Hermann Goering was put in charge of the Four-Year Plan, robbed German Occupied countries of their raw materials in order to further Germany's economic goals
    • Goering sought to develop a synthetic-materials industry to eliminate the need for some raw materials
  • Work Place
    • Strength through Joy Programme provides workers with rewards such as theatre tickets and holidays
    • Beauty of Labour improved facilities by building new canteens and sports facilities
  • Morale was decreased through the Germany lose at Stalingrad, and the subsequent retreat of the German army
  • Bombing of Germany by the British and US started in 1940, with military targets. By 1943 Civilian area were being targeted. 2 million people were made homeless and 350,000 people killed
  • Rationing was immediately introduced. Many Germans lived off a diet of potatoes, bread and vegetables as meat was scarce, fish, eggs, cheese and milk were hard to come by
  • Labour Shortage led to women having to work again
  • Women
    • Received medal for having children (4= bronze; 6-7 = silver; 8+= Gold)
    • CCC (Church, Children and Cooking) promoted
    • Women discouraged from wearing makeup and being independent
  • Youth - School
    • Textbooks were rewritten to reflect Nazi ideas (History focused on military success and blaming WW1 on Jews)
    • Adolf Hitler Schools which were for the elite of the Hitler Youth, military style
    • Nazi brainwashing in all lessons – Anti-Jew, military success, Pro Aryans