'the famous younger generation who know it all and they can’teventake a joke'
mr birling (act 1)
'a man has to takehisown way'
mr birling (act 1)
'the titanicshe sails next week unsinkable. absolutelyunsinkable'
mrs birling (act 1)
'a rather coldwoman and her husband's socialsuperior'
mrs birling (act 1)
'when you're married you'll realise that men with importantwork spend nearly all their timeandenergy on their business. you'll haveto get used to that justasidid'
mrs birling (act 2)
'she was claiming elaboratefinerfeelings...that was simply absurd for a girl in herposition'
gerald (act 3)
'everything's alrightnow sheila what about this ring'
gerald (act 2)
'miss birling ought to be excused any more of this questioning'
gerald (act 1)
'your just the kind of son in law i always wanted' {MrB to GC}
eric (act 2)
'your not the kind of father a chap could go to when he's in trouble'
eric (act 3)
'i was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty'
eric (act 3)
'then - you killed her. she cametoyou to protect me - and your turned her away - yes, you killed her - and the child she'd have had too - my child - your own grandchild - you killed them both, damn you'
sheila (act 1)
'[taking out the ring] oh it's wonderful look mummy - isn't it a beauty!'
sheila (act 1)
'but these girls aren't cheap labour - they're people'
sheila (act 3)
'your forgetting one thing i still can'tforget. everything we said had happened had reallyhappened - it frightens me the wayyoutalk'
inspector (act 1)
'a man of massivenesssolidity and purposefulness'
inspector (act 3)
'if men will not learn that lesson they will be taught it in fireblood and anguish'
inspector (act 3)
'don't stammer and yammer at me again man i'm losing my patience with youpeople'
eva smith/daisy renton (act 3)
'one eva smith has gone but there are millions and millions of eva smiths and johnsmiths still left with us' {inspector}
stage directions (act 1)
'pink and intimate until the inspector arrives then it should be brighter and harder'