
Cards (18)

  • We monitor to:
    • detect any adverse changes.
    • Patient safety
    • Professional diligence
    • record of the anaesthetic event.
  • Inadequate plane of anaesthetic as heart rate and blood pressure will increase. Leading to development of tachycardia and heart arrythmias as sympathetic nervous system is activated.
  • Physiological status is added by observing and measuring physiological parameters.
  • Level of consciousness is assessed by testing reflex responses that vary according to the depth of anaesthesia.
  • Tachycardia is caused by pain, light anaesthesia, drugs, hypovolemia/ blood loss.
  • Bradycardia is caused by drugs, anaesthetic overdose, surgery that leads to vagal stimulation and impending cardiac arrest.
  • pink mucous membranes indicates hypercapnia (excess CO2)
  • Pulse is taken from peripheral sites as they are more sensitive in a drop in BP, lost before femoral pulse.
  • Pulse sites include:
    • Metacarpal
    • Metatarsal
    • Dorsal pedal
    • Lingual
    • Sub-lingual
  • Respiratory is monitor by observing chest wall movement + reservoir bag, mm colour and stethoscope to auscultate.
  • Apnea is caused by a ET tube blockage, no oxygen to system or too much volatile agent.
  • Hypothermia is caused by:
    • Alpha-2 drugs, as affect vasodilation.
    • blood loss
    • muscle relaxant
    • cold FGF
    • Skin prep- clipped hair ect.
  • Light anaesthesia plane- parameters:
    Increased Pulse rate
    Increased respiratory rate
    may breath hold
    Increase in blood pressure
  • Light anaesthesia plane- reflexes:
    Pupils dilated.
    Eye is central
    Brisk palpebral reflex
    muscle tone present
  • Surgical anaesthesia plane- Parameters:
    Respiratory rate is slightly reduced.
    Heart rate and Blood pressure slightly reduced.
  • Surgical anaesthesia plane- Reflexes:
    Pupils constricted.
    Eye rolls ventromedial position.
    Palpebral reflex absent.
    jaw tone absent.
    Pedal reflex sluggish/absent.
  • Anaesthetic overdose- Parameters:
    Slightly depressed cardiac and respiratory function.
    Decreased pulse rate and blood pressure.
    Failure of respiratory muscle function.
    cyanosis and increased CRT.
  • Anaesthetic overdose- Reflexes:
    Pupils dilated
    eyes central
    Palpebral reflex absent.
    Corneal reflex absent.
    Jaw tone absent.
    Pedal reflex absent.