'In Act1, Macbethpersonifies his ambition, portraying it as passessing a potencycomparable to a humanforce that can exortinfluence and corrupt his formerlyinnocentmind.'
When he acknowledges its eventual”fall”, it indicatesMacbeth'sawareness that his all-encompassingambition is his hamartiadestined to lead to his mental and physicaldecline
Alternatively this portrayalpositionsMacbeth as a victimensnared by his ownambition,showcasing his introspectiveunderstanding of its fatalconsequences and presenting him as vulnerable to its relentlessinfluence
The metaphoricalportrayal of Macbeth’s“vaultingambition” draws a parallel between him and a jockey who is to manage an untameable, almost animalisticforce. Shakespeare notonlyuses this metaphor to depictMacbeth'sstruggle to control his ambitionnature but also to suggest his self-deception.
Macbeth believes he is able to harness some control over his ambition, enough that he is able to transcend the societal, political and dinine limitations placed upon him
“Vaulting ambition which overleaps itself and falls on the other“