
Cards (18)

  • Electrolysis
  • Electrolysis
    Splitting using electricity
    Conversion of ions into atoms by loss/gain of electrons
  • Cell
    source of electrical energy
  • Electrode
    Material connected to the positive and negative side of a cell
    Positive Anode Negative is Cathode
  • Electrolyte
    A solution /molten substance which allows ions to move through it
  • Anion
    Negative ions attracted to anode
  • Cations
    Positive ions attracted to cathode
  • Molten Lead Bromine - PbBr2
    Cathode: Pb2+ + 2e- - Pb (each Pb2+ ion gains 2 electrons to form lead atoms)
    Anode: 2Br- - Br2 + 2e- (each Br- ion loses 1 electron to form Br atoms: 2 Br atoms bond covalently - bromine molecule Br2)
    Overall: PbBr2 - Pb + Br2
    Lead Bromine - Lead + Bromine
  • Aluminium oxide
    Overall: 2Al2O3 - 4Al + 302
    Cathode: Al3+ + 3e- - Al
    Anode: 2O2- - 02 + 4e-
    Aluminium oxide - Aluminium + oxygen
    Molten aluminium collects at bottom
    Solution of aluminium oxide in molten cryolite
    Steel tank lined with refractory bricks
  • Aluminium Oxide
  • Aluminium oxide
    Carbon anodes are replaced regularly as they react with the oxygen produced and burn to form CO2
    Molten cryolite reduces melting points - lowers operating temperature and less Co2 emissions and a lower melting point
    Cathode - each Al3+ ion gains 3 electrons to form Al atoms
    Anode - each O2- ion loses 2 electrons to form O2 atoms
  • Electrolysis of water
    H2O(l) - H+(aq)+OH-(aq) - hydrogen and hydroxide
    Cathode: 2H+ + 2e- - H2
    Anode: 4OH- - 2H2O + O2 + 4e-
    Overall: 2H2O - 2H2 + O2
    In electrolysis of aqueous solutions, there are H and OH- atoms
    Cathode: If metal H+ ions are present, metal ions will stay in solution if more reactive than hydrogen - H2 gas made,if metal is less reactive, metal will form, Cu is less reactive than H2 so will always give Cu metal at cathode
    Anode - if OH- / halide ions are present (Br-,I-,Cl-) halogen molecules are formed (Br2,I2,Cl2), if no halide ions - O2 forms
  • Electroplating
    Coating of metal using different metals via electrolysis
    To improve appearance
    To stop corrosion if metal is unreactive
    Anode - corrodes
    Cathode - solid coats metal
  • RP
    1-Pour 50cm3 of solution in beaker
    2- Add lid and attach electrodes (not touching), attach crocodile clips to rod and connect said rod to red and black dc terminals of low voltage power supply - 4V
  • Copper chloride half equations
    Cathode: Cu2+ + 2e- - Cu
    Anode: 2Cl- - Cl2 + 2e-
  • Copper sulfate half equations
    Cathode: Cu2+ + 2e- - Cu
    Anode: 4OH- - 2H2O + O2 + 4e-
  • Sodium chloride half equations
    Cathode: 2H+ + 2e- - H2
    Anode: 2Cl- - 2e- + Cl2
  • Sodium sulfate half equations
    Cathode: 2H+ + 2e- - H2
    Anode: 4OH- - 2H20 + O2 + 4e-