This quote emphasisesMacduff'sheroicqualities and draws on a keyidiom - actions speak louder than words.
Macbeth’s ungodlyactions are not worthy of words anymore, Macduff believes that order can only be restored by terminating his tyranny.
In employing a violentmetaphor, Macduff contends that the restoration of Scotland’s natural ordernecessitates physical violence. Thus, the initialupheaval, brought about by Macbeth’s violenttyrannicalmandates a similarforce to rectify the naturalorder that has been disrupted.
Alternatively, Macduff is the archetype of the avenginghero,motivated by revenge, but with goodintentions.
The short sentences reflect the shortamount of time that Scotland will have to continue to suffer- by slewingMacbethScotland can be rightlygoverned and flourish under divineordain.