Macduff laments Scotland, personifying the nation to underscore his profoundemotional band but also reflects the pervasive sense of loss and despair that permeates Scotland.
His lamenting of Scotland shows what fuels his ambition to restoreorder.
This also suggests that Scotland is dying under Macbeth's reign, captivatingMacbeth’smisanthropicnature, a quality which juxtaposes the role of a king.
Macbeth's misanthropic nature juxtaposes the role of a king
Furthermore, the recurrentmotif of “bleed”highlights Macduff's despair about Scotland'sprogressivedemise, effectively encapsulating Macbeth's misanthropicdisposition.
Macduff’s patriotism emphasises Macbeth's ruthless and indifference to dismantling Scotland but also serves as a compelling juxtaposition to the inherent nobility expected of a rightful king.